A escravização dos elfos domésticos antecedeu a fundação de Hogwarts (c. 990 dC) e foi trazida para Hogwarts por Helga Hufflepuff (embora ela não tenha iniciado a escravidão).
Isso foi mais claro por JK Rowling em uma entrevista com Pottercast. 1
J.K. Rowling (JKR): This had better not be about House-Elves.
Melissa Anelli (MA): Jo, it is! I'm sorry! It is.
Sue Upton (SU): Hey, Jo! Hello!
John Noe (JN): Hey, Jo!
MA: Hiiiii!
JKR: What? House-Elves? Go on then.
MA: Still. Still. They are still arguing about this, and I'm sick of it, and we need you to answer it so bad.
JN: What I'm telling Sue is that, if she remembered from when we talked about this in New York1, Jo said that Helga Hufflepuff was a plantation owner of the House-Elves ....
SU: Yeah, but she gave them refuge! Refuge! R-E...
JKR: Refuge.
SU: She didn't enslave them.
JKR: Yeah, it's a complicated issue, you know? I would say that Hufflepuff gave... Hufflepuff did what was the most moral thing to do at that time, and we are talking about over a thousand years ago. So that would be to give them good conditions of work. There was no kind of activism there, so no one's gonna say, "Here's an idea. Let's, let's free them. Let's, uh, let's pay them." It was just "well, we'll bring them somewhere that they can work and not be abused."
SU: See? She did not go around with like a whip and say "Yaaah! You must work in the kitchens!" you know?
JKR: Definitely not, no. That would not be... No, no. Definitely not.
SU: See? Woohoo! Thank you, Jo.
(Anelli, Melissa, John Noe and Sue Upton. "PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part one." PotterCast #130, 17 December 2007. (transcript))
Atualmente não há mais informações do que isso.
1: Isso foi revelado anteriormente por JK Rowling durante a Open Book Tour no Carnegie Hall em uma conversa com o Leaky Cauldron. Nenhuma transcrição ou gravação existe, tanto quanto é do meu conhecimento, mas foi falado em Pottercast # 122 (pule para 12:55) ( transcrição )
( resumida por Accio-Quote como " Helga Hufflepuff ofereceu refúgio aos elfos domésticos em Hogwarts , embora as condições fossem semelhantes a escravo também, se um pouco mais gentil do que em qualquer outro lugar. ")