O que Mark adicionou ao solo depois de colocar as batatas às 24:10 em The Martian?


Depois de colocar as batatas no solo, Mark despejou um pouco de líquido amarelado no solo.

O que era esse líquido e por que ele fez isso?

por user95758 27.01.2018 / 12:35

1 resposta

Presumivelmente, urina

Na novela de origem do filme, Mark ainda está lutando para descobrir como ele vai conseguir a água necessária para as batatas.

I cut each potato into four pieces, making sure each piece had at least two eyes. The eyes are where they sprout from. I let them sit for a few hours to harden a bit, then planted them, well spaced apart, in the corner. Godspeed, little taters. My life depends on you.

Normally, it takes at least 90 days to yield full-sized potatoes. But I can’t wait that long. I’ll need to cut up all the potatoes from this crop to seed the rest of the field.

By setting the Hab temperature to a balmy 25.5°C, I can make the plants grow faster. Also, the internal lights will provide plenty of “sunlight,” and I’ll make sure they get lots of water (once I figure out where to get water). There will be no foul weather, or any parasites to hassle them, or any weeds to compete with for soil or nutrients. With all this going for them, they should yield healthy, sproutable tubers within forty days.

Mas ele mais tarde afirma que as plantas processarão diretamente a urina sem efeitos nocivos.

Do I generate 10 liters of water per day? No, I’m not the urinating champion of all time. It’s the crops. The humidity inside the Hab is a lot higher than it was designed for, so the water reclaimer is constantly filtering it out of the air.

I’m not worried about it. If need be, I can piss directly onto the plants. The plants will take their share of water and the rest will condense on the walls. I could make something to collect the condensation, I’m sure. Thing is, the water can’t go anywhere. It’s a closed system.

Sendo esse o caso, o suco de uva que você viu bebendo na cena anterior é provavelmente o que ele está usando (depois de ter feito xixi) para umedecer e ativar as batatas recém-plantadas. Observe como o solo está seco. Sem umidade adicional, a batata simplesmente secará e morrerá.

27.01.2018 / 13:42