David Sheridan é totalmente humano?


No final de Babylon 5 , descobrimos que John Sheridan e Delenn têm um filho chamado David, mas infelizmente nunca o vemos na tela. Dado que Delenn é meio-Minbari e meio Humano, David é totalmente humano? Ou ele é quarto-Minbari?

por Thunderforge 22.10.2017 / 15:50

1 resposta

De acordo com o romance Out of the Darkness , ele é um quarto -Minbari, mas parece inteiramente humano. As mulheres minbari parecem considerá-lo fisicamente atraente, mas em grande parte por causa de sua autoconfiança e atratividade geral.

On the other hand, when faced with studies, David consistently rose to the occasion with such facility that his teachers wondered just how much he could accomplish if he applied himself fully.

Outwardly he appeared Human. The color of his hair had shifted over time. He had gone from being towheaded to dark-haired, and he tended to wear it long. This annoyed his father, whose old military instincts kicked in. Every so often, he would extol the virtues of a short haircut, but David seemed to pay such critiques no mind. Curiously, his eyebrows retained their light color, but the dark eyes beneath remained evocative of his mother.

He did, however, possess his father's charisma. That much was unmistakable. Nor was his charisma limited to its effects on Humans; Minbari women - grown women - would do double takes when he passed, looking him up and down appreciatively while he winked at them or came up with some bon mot that always prompted gentle laughter or looks of amusement.

Por que ele não foi visto no programa, a JMS falou sobre isso no comentário em áudio para B5: Sleeping in Light .

"The other problem being that I didn't want to show David yet. And he would be a mix of Minbari and Human and I hadn't worked out quite the look that I wanted for that yet. I also didn't want to lock us into an actor in case we see that person down the road."

22.10.2017 / 16:47
