De onde vem o motor Kettenkrad?


Em The Atrocity Archives , parte da série Laundry Files de Charles Stross, o protagonista, Bob Howard encontra um Kettenkrad no outro lado de um portal.

Some kind of small vehicle, like a weird cross between a tank and a motorbike, is parked against the wall, dusty with a sprinkling that isn't snow.

Algum tempo depois, desapareceu.

(...) the little half-track thing with a motorcycle's front wheel is missing.

Mas quando

Bob gets home, there's a Kettenkrad engine on his kitchen table.

The front hall is full of petite tank tracks. They're about twenty centimetres wide, covered in dried-up mud, and run past the hulking Victorian coat rack and the living room door to stop just short of the kitchen.


There's most of an engine block on the kitchen table.

 Mais tarde, confirma-se que este é o bloco de motor de um Kettenkrad, pertencente a um dos colegas de casa de Bob.

De onde vem?

Lendo de volta, acho que acabei de ler muito sobre o Kettenkrad ausente e ressurgente, excluindo a possibilidade de que seja apenas uma estranha coincidência. Além disso, achei Morris uma das vítimas.

por SQB 24.08.2015 / 20:29

1 resposta

A implicação é que o soldado Morris o tomou como lembrança.

"Cool, I always wanted a Kettenkrad," someone remarks on the common channel.

"Morris, shut the fuck up; the cylinder heads are probably vacuum welded anyway. Chaitin, check out the doors. Scary Spice, cover with the M40."


Someone's parked that electric trolley next to the wall, but the little half-track thing with a motorcycle's front wheel is missing. "Someone taking souvenirs?" I ask.

A burst of static that I just about decode as "What?" tells me that the interference is worse than before; I glance up and see red stars, a dull red swirl of galaxy overhead . . . a distinct pink tinge to the moon, in fact.

I point at where the Kettenkrad was parked. "There, it's gone," I say. "Who took it?"

Chaitin shrugs.

Desde que Brains é um membro da mesma organização que Bob, e algo como um mago mecânico (embora não literalmente), ele claramente recebeu o motor para consertar o soldado de dedos leves ...

24.08.2015 / 20:39