Possivelmente Prática de Demonkeeping por Christopher Moore.
In Christopher Moore's ingenious debut novel, we meet one of the most memorably mismatched pairs in the annals of literature. The good-looking one is one-hundred-year-old ex-seminarian and "roads" scholar Travis O'Hearn. The green one is Catch, a demon with a nasty habit of eating most of the people he meets. Behind the fake Tudor façade of Pine Cove, California, Catch sees a four-star buffet. Travis, on the other hand, thinks he sees a way of ridding himself of his toothy traveling companion. The winos, neo-pagans, and deadbeat Lotharios of Pine Cove, meanwhile, have other ideas. And none of them is quite prepared when all hell breaks loose.
A página de TVTropes menciona o exemplo do pool:
Calling Your Shots: Travis cheats at pool by having his invisible demon, Catch, move the balls where he calls them. Usually.
Google Livros menciona o urso :
"I tried to wake up the wife. Whacked her on the leg with it just to get her attention. I told her the bear was charging and I have one bullet left."
"And?" Brine filled the pause.
"She told me to put some ice on it to make the swelling go down."