Breve relato sobre o futebol americano tornando-se mais violento e torcedores participando de lutas no campo


Estou tentando descobrir o título e autor de uma pequena história que li por volta de 30 a 35 anos atrás. Foi apresentado em uma coleção que eu acho que foram todos do mesmo autor. Foi escrito a partir da perspectiva de um fã de futebol americano que contou como os jogos que assistia ficaram cada vez mais violentos até que as equipes pararam de usar uma bola e apenas lutaram em campo. A história acabou por detalhar como os fãs se envolveram e acabaram tomando o lugar das equipes.

Sempre achei que poderia ter sido escrito por Harry Harrison ou Robert Silverberg, mas posso estar enganado.

por Shane Leonard 09.11.2017 / 05:03

2 respostas

Pode ser " The National Pastime " por Norman Spinrad ( link do ISFDB )

In the long-winded and somewhat renowned “The National Pastime,” Norman Spinrad goes into painstaking detail describing – from the point of view of the cynical and failed filmmaker who invents the game as a means of advancing his career with a television company – Combat Football.

It should be no surprise that Spinrad takes a Progressive approach in his critique of the violence inherent in sport. His over-the-top game taps the animal nature of an unthinking population. Whatever the story’s politics – they take a back seat to some of the more illogical or implausible features of the new game.

For one thing, the wildly popular Combat Football includes only six nationalized teams, none of which have a home city. They tour the country for the best venues, and are organized based on demographic identity:

“This way, we got a team for the spades, a team for the frustrated Middle Americans, a team for the hippies and kids, a team for the spics, a team for the faggots, and a team for the motorcycle nuts and violence freaks.”
-- From “The National Pastime,” by Norman Spinrad

Even less logically, fan casualties and fatalities are included in the statistics, with numbers soaring into the hundreds per game. They are played in stadiums without security. The plays are portrayed somewhat realistically as akin to American football, but the key play consistently seems to be a punch in the mouth.

09.11.2017 / 05:44

Está incluído em "No Direction Home", "Uma Antologia de Histórias de Ficção Científica", de Norman Spinrad. Pocket Edition publicado em maio de 1975. Você o encontrará na página 166.

10.11.2017 / 17:33