Por que o I.F. usar naves antigas na batalha final no mundo natal de Formic?


Na batalha final, o livro diz:

As for his own fleet, it consisted of twenty starships, each with only four fighters. He knew the four-fighter starships they were old-fashioned, sluggish, and the range of their Little Doctors was half that of the newer ones. Eighty fighters, against at least five thousand, perhaps ten thousand enemy ships.

Onde estão os outros navios mais novos que foram usados na batalha anterior? Por que o I.F. usar navios antiquados e lentos em uma batalha tão importante?

por Haha TTpro 04.11.2015 / 17:34

1 resposta

O planeta natal era o mais distante (ou um deles de qualquer maneira). Eles demoraram mais para chegar ao planeta.

Navios mais novos foram enviados para planetas próximos, então eles tinham uma tecnologia melhor, mais caças, etc.

"And the ships have been traveling for seventy years--"
"Some of them. and some for thirty years, and some for twenty. We make better ships now. We're learning how to play with space a little better... The first ships we sent to the most distance objectives, the more recent ships to the closer ones. Our timing was pretty good. They'll all be arriving in combat range within a few months of each other. Ender's Game - Ch. 13

04.11.2015 / 17:36