Fio submarino WW2 com 10 ou 12 triângulos do tipo “Bermuda”

Estou tentando lembrar o nome de um livro dos anos 70, no qual um submarino é perdido na Segunda Guerra Mundial na costa do Japão e retorna 30 (ou mais) anos depois, sem tripulação, na costa do Havaí. A Marinha o recoloca e tenta recriar seu cruzeiro de guerra final depois de encontrar o único sobrevivente, agora um cientista, que afirma que há 10 ou 12 triângulos do tipo "Bermuda", incluindo um na área onde o submarino caiu e outro onde reapareceu ...

por Major Stackings 07.09.2013 / 04:30

1 resposta

Ghostboat aka Ghost Boat por George E. Simpson e Neal R. Burger. Além desses comentários no site, você pode ler as sinopses de trama de algumas das livrarias em , como este do livreiro Páginas anteriores :

SYNOPSIS: December 11, 1944 - U.S.S. Candlefish, submarine on wartime patrol, mysteriously lost at Latitude 30 Degrees N in the Pacific. All hands perish, except for one survivor. October 5, 1974 - Six hundred miles northwest of Pearl Harbor, a submarine surfaces in front of a Japanese freighter. It is the Candlefish, in perfect working order, fully outfitted down to steaks in the freezer, yet without a trace of life aboard. In Washington, D.C., a naval intelligence officer convinces his superiors that this is a golden opportunity to prove his theory that another Devil's Triangle exists where the Candlefish originally went down. His plan is to take the Candlefish on a voyage retracing her route of thirty years before, and at last uncover whatever fearful forces lies in wait at Latitude 30 Degrees. Only when the sub is well out to sea, with no turning back, do he and the rest of the crew begin to suspect why the Candlefish has come back from a watery grave, and what that means to every living soul aboard. - and - Survivor - The last time Jack Hardy had seen the Candlefish, he had been a young Navy lieutenant, fighting for his life in the waters of the Pacific while his submarine was torn apart by violent tremors and gigantic charges of electrical energy. Now Jack Hardy was back aboard the Candlefish, a middle-aged man haunted by nightmares of a war concluded long ago, and by the memory of a voyage that had almost destroyed him as a man. Only Jack Hardy knew what had happened aboard the Candlefish thirty years before. Only he at first recognized what was happening now. And somehow he had to find a way to do now what he had not been able to do then. Somehow he had to change the course of the satanic drama that was inexorably unfolding - or he would not survive a second time . . .

O livro foi transformado em um filme da TV britânica de 2006 Ghostboat , que você pode assistir on-line , por exemplo aqui .

A propósito, encontrei essa resposta repassando a pergunta para o Fórum do BookSleuth em , onde o livro foi identificado por "madauthor".

11.09.2013 / 08:22