O Tumbbad é baseado em uma história existente?


No recém-lançado filme Tumbbad eles nos contam sobre um deus demônio e o tesouro que ele possui. Tumbbad é baseado em um mito estabelecido? O demônio rei Hasthar e seu tesouro existem em qualquer religião / mitologia?

por ajaygopal07 03.12.2018 / 09:22

1 resposta

Situado em Maharashtra, entre 1918 e 1947, Tumbbad conta uma rica história visual contando a ganância, o ouro e a maldição de um deus demônio.

O Tumbbad é baseado em um mito estabelecido?

According to Tumbbad, this is the myth of Hastar: The world was created by the Goddess of Prosperity, who gave birth to 16 crore gods and goddesses. The Earth was her womb and she had large (perhaps endless) reserves of gold and grain. From this womb sprang her firstborn, her favourite and most evil of her children — Hastar. Though born a celestial being, Hastar’s intentions were less than noble. We wished to gain control over the goddess’ wealth. While she let him have the gold, his 16 crore siblings declared war on him as soon as he reached for the grain (which fed gods and men alike). Weakened and unable to sustain their attacks, Hastar’s mother saved him and contained him back in her womb. But there was a price: He would never be worshipped, as the other god and goddesses were. In fact, his name would be removed and censored from any texts for the rest of eternity.

O rei demônio Hasthar e seu tesouro existem em qualquer religião / mitologia?

Though Tumbbad positions Hastar as a Hindu god, there is no known mention of Hastar in Indian mythology. This fact plays well into the movie’s lore, since all mentions of Hastar were to be erased, as per the gods’ conditions for sparing Hastar’s life. It is also interesting to note that the myth of Hastar being of brought down by his family bears resemblance to the elder gods — the Titans — of Greek mythology, who were the predecessors of the Olympians. Born of Gaia, the Greek Earth Mother figure who could stand in for the Goddess of Plenty from Tumbbad. But while Cronus was the leader of the Titans, who was eventually brought down by Zeus, his own son, Hastar seemed to be an outcast from the very beginning. Another mythological figure who bears resemblance to Hastar is Mammon, whose story is found in the New Testament of the Bible. The god of material objects, Mammon’s name itself is the Hebrew word for money. Mammon either appears or is referred to as an entity that promises worldly riches, invoking greed.

Além disso, Tumbbad é uma verdadeira aldeia que realmente existe. Talvez não do jeito que faz na produção de Sohum Shah-Aanand L Rai, mas certamente é conhecida no distrito de Khed, em Ratnagiri, na divisão Konkan de Maharashtra. A vila fica a cerca de seis horas e meia de distância de Mumbai e a cerca de 100 km do Santuário de Vida Selvagem de Koyna.

Fonte: GQ Índia

03.12.2018 / 11:38
