O que a equipe fez em seu tempo livre no USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) da série original?


Todos nós sabemos que no navio onde a Next Generation está baseada, a NCC-1701-D tem muitas atividades extra-curriculares. Eles têm um holodeck, quadras de tênis e outras áreas sociais.

No entanto, o navio original (NCC-1701) não tinha algumas dessas comodidades. O que a tripulação e aqueles a bordo fizeram para passar o tempo (quando não estavam salvando o universo)?

por Jason Hutchinson 26.02.2016 / 16:59

2 respostas

As várias Salas de recreação parecem ser os centros sociais do navio com canto, jogos e outros entretenimentos.


O navio também possui um extenso dojo e instalações esportivas


Na Série Animada, a Enterprise tinha um conjunto de holograma moderadamente avançado, capaz de produzir cenas rurais, costeiras e arbóreas com sons realistas e vento.

O livro de fatos O Guia do Sr. Scott para a empresa apresenta uma riqueza de informações sobre as comodidades disponíveis no 'Rec Deck' do navio

Enterprise's rec deck is the largest and best equipped of any in Star Fleet. Off-duty crew members will find a variety of games and pastimes from which to choose within its walls.

At the front of the room is an immense, wall- mounted viewing screen, the largest aboard ship. This three-dimensional imaging device can be programmed to display any one of thousands of twentieth-, twenty-first, or twenty-second century movies, and also holds in its memory a lesser number of twenty-third century releases. Live sporting events, carried by subspace video comlink, can be displayed as well. On rare occasion, the unit is used to display Star Fleet Personnel Address broadcasts for crew assemblies.

Beneath the viewing screen is an information display alcove. Five small screens exhibit, upon request, a choice of pictorial histories, including those of Star Fleet, the Federation, the countries on Earth, Vulcan, Alpha Centauri, and other Federation worlds, and all vessels which have borne the name "Enterprise." Reading lounges and snack bars line the port and starboard bulkheads.

Restrooms, designated "male" [portside] and "female" [starboard] for the convenience of non-crew visitors, are located near the rec deck's rear wall on the lower level.

Two turbolifts on the forward end of the room provide access to F Deck and the rec deck's balcony around. This upper area houses smaller rooms where three-dimensional chess and checkers may be played, as well as cards, backgammon, and other non-electronic games.

A raised platform in the center of the lower level floor features a diversity of electronic entertainments. Games such as Concentrex, Challenge, Eye-Q, and Phaser Duel are programmed into consoles which stand within sunken seating areas. A shufflelight board in the middle of the floor may be used for tournament play.

Eight immense viewports in the rec deck's outer wall give crew members an unspoiled view of the ship's secondary hull and warp nacelles, and are useful for planet observation while Enterprise is in standard orbit.

26.02.2016 / 17:19

Além da resposta de Richard, Spock jogou xadrez com uma variedade de membros da tripulação e visitantes, McCoy joga cartas e todos nós sabemos como Scotty gosta de sua bebida de vez em quando:)

26.02.2016 / 19:18