Histórias infantis: Sabedoria em pó, ciclista correu contra cachorros, garota escalou árvore incrivelmente alta,


Quando eu estava na escola primária, eu li um livro infantil, uma coleção de contos, todos mágicos-realistas ou dando uma volta pelo irreal. O livro estava em holandês, mas tenho certeza que foi traduzido do inglês. Eu li este livro por volta de 1996, então é mais antigo que isso, pelo menos.

  1. Um ciclista em uma ronda de treinamento encontra um autódromo de propriedade de anões, onde um menino corre por sua vida contra cães que tentam pegá-lo.
  2. O diabo tenta vender 'instant character' em pó para um lojista
  3. Uma garota sobe em uma árvore muito alta.

Eu pesquisei bastante, mas não tive nenhum sucesso. Se alguém souber de que livro é este, ficarei muito feliz mesmo. Obrigado antecipadamente por considerar esta questão!

1: Um ciclista em uma rodada de treinamento encontra um hipódromo de propriedade de anões, onde um menino corre por sua vida contra cães que tentam pegá-lo.

One starts with a girl going out on a training round. She's a cyclist, and a good one -- she can tell from the sound of the tyres whether her weight swings back and forth too much when she takes off. She reaches a fork in the road – or maybe it's a side road she hadn't noticed before? – goes down it, and arrives at a cycling oval with a building adjecent.

She ends up inside the building, and there are small men, perhaps or almost dwarves. One of them asks about her cycling abilities, what sort of speeds and times she makes, and is impressed: "You are more, much more than we are used to." I think she is given orange juice in a wine glass.

A race is announced. A boy on a bike comes up to the start. The dwarves bet madly. When the race starts, the boy starts biking much to fast, a crazy pace, he'll never keep that up — then, when he has a head start, a cage of dogs is released, and she realizes he's trying to stay ahead of the dogs. The dogs are clever, they run alongside the track as though they know their paws won't find purchase on the wood. When the boy crosses the finish line, a fence rises from the ground cutting the dogs of from from the track.

Somebody, I don't know if it was the cyclist or a dwarf, clenched their wineglass so hard that it broke, and their hand is bleeding. I forget the precise ending; something that implies she won't be leaving.

2: O diabo tenta vender pó 'instant character' para um lojista

A storekeeper with a small general store who gets a visit from a salesmen or representative. The salesman sells instant character: powdered courage, powdered intelligence (he says, but the jar is labeled wisdom), powdered other things, just add water and drink it. The storekeeper has his doubts, but accepts the jars. When the salesman departs, there's a whiff of sulphur.

Shortly after a boy (called David?) comes in and says bullies are waiting for him down the street, don't you have something to make me stronger? The storekeeper tries out the courage powder, and the change is instantaneous: the boy decides to go down the street. But the bullies are waiting for you, says the shopkeeper; "I know," the boy says ‘his voice sounded cool, amused’, “I'm not afraid of them anymore.” In a short time he is back, beaten up.

The weeks pass, and the shopkeeper sells lots of powder; and the jar of wisdom powder gets emptier and emptier, even though hardly anybody every asks for it. When the salesman returns, he is expecting a lot of people who have gone to the bad because people are bad at knowing what their character needs. It turns out the shopkeeper has added a pinch of wisdom to every portion he sold — and wisdom is not intelligence! The salesman stamps his foot, the floor cracks, and he departs through the crack which closes itself behind him.

3: Terceira história, não me lembro muito sobre isso. Garota sobe uma árvore muito alta.

There's a girl who is good at climbing trees. Somebody challenges her to climb to the top of a certain tree; she takes off her shoes and climbs it. The bark is pleasantly rough and resiny under her feet. She climbs for a very long time. At the top, the branches bend under her weight.

por Esteis 14.07.2014 / 23:04

1 resposta

Eu achei !!

O diabo e o merceeiro de canto .

Parte de uma coleção em O resgate das gomas de mascar e outras histórias , de Margaret Mahy.

18.02.2015 / 14:39