"Then Dailir he drew, his dart beloved; howso far fared it, or fell unnoted, unsought he found it with sound feathers and barbs unbroken (till it broke at last)"
"There the huntsman's hand was hurt deeply, as he groped on the ground, by a gleaming point - 'twas Dailir his dart dearly prized he had found by his foot in fragments twain, and with barbs bended: it broke at last neath his body falling. It boded ill."
Christopher Tolkien comenta sobre essa parte do poema:
There is also in the poem the feature of the arrow Dailir, unfailingly found and always unharmed, until it broke when Beleg fell upon it while carrying Turin: of this there is never a mention later.
Então, parece que esta flecha mágica foi uma invenção passageira que não foi dada nenhuma explicação ou história adicional.