A Princesa Leia usou a Força?


De acordo com esta questão (melhor citação necessária), Yoda disse a Luke:

The Force is strong with your father, you, and your sister.

Leia Lé nunca usou a Força?

por ripper234 14.01.2012 / 09:33

10 respostas

Dentro dos filmes - há alguns pontos em que parece haver uma afinidade entre Leia e Luke. Se isso é por causa do talento latente de Leia, ou da capacidade de força de Luke, está em debate.


She gets Lando to turn the ship around to rescue Luke from the bottom of Cloud City, because she "hears" him call out to her


She "knows" that Luke got off the Death Star II before it exploded

No Universo Expandido, no entanto, há muitos exemplos de Leia desenvolvendo sua capacidade de força. Embora estes não sejam a mesma canonicidade que os próprios filmes, o cânone da UE ainda é considerado strong onde quer que um filme não contradiga completamente.

14.01.2012 / 10:56


Há pelo menos dois exemplos de Leia ativamente usando a Força nas novelas oficiais para 'Uma Nova Esperança' e 'Regresso de Jedi', durante seu interrogatório por Vader e mais uma vez em Cloud City. .

“Where did you send them? Where is the Rebel base?” Without warning, the fire in Leia’s body was blown out, replaced by an icy grip. Fear wound its way through her, snaking down into her stomach. The feeling was so different from the light-headed dream of the serum. There was…power behind each of his words. They nudged at her. They prodded as sharply as any knife. So Leia did the only thing she could—she pulled back. Physically, toward the wall. Mentally, to a place the voice couldn’t find her. An unfamiliar warmth wrapped around her, a protective blanket that didn’t let any of the darkness nudge through.
The freezing pressure on her mind was thrown back.
The rumbling voice made a sound of surprise and was quiet for a long moment. “If you do not tell me where to find the Rebels, lives will be lost! All of the Rebel deaths will be on your head!”

A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy


Hey,” he jostled, “I’ll bet Luke got off that thing before it blew.” She nodded. “He did. I can feel it.” Her brother’s living presence touched her, through the Force. She reached out to answer the touch, to reassure Luke she was all right. Everything was all right.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Em O Despertar da Força , Leia usa a Força passivamente em outras duas ocasiões.

Ela sente as mortes no sistema de Hosnian

Leaning against a console for support, she steadied herself. “A great disturbance—in the Force. Deaths and passings. Too much death, too many passings.” Straightening, her expression grim, she walked over to confront the wiry, slight Admiral Statura. Despite his experience in battle, he was left as shaken by the revelation as anyone else in the room. What had just happened could scarcely be comprehended.


She senses the death of her (ex?)Husband, Han Solo
"On another world far, far away, a woman felt a shudder in the Force that lanced through her like a knife. She slumped into a seat, her head lowering, and started to cry."

Em The Last Jedi , ela usa a força para sobreviver

being blown out of her ship


Esse é praticamente o uso mais evidente do poder da Força exercido por ela em qualquer mídia canônica.

Ela também parece ter sido guiada pela Força em Linhagem , quando ela faz um quase impossível tiro. Não é bem um em um milhão , mas ainda é muito impressionante.

“Call it whatever you want.” With that, Leia lifted her blaster, losing her sights on Rinnrivin’s guard—
—and targeting the central strut of the tunnel support directly overhead. One bolt held the entire thing together. That bolt was no larger than a child’s fist. At this range, in semi-darkness, perhaps one shot in a thousand might be capable of destroying that bolt.
But Leia made the shot.

30.12.2015 / 21:08

No último Jedi

Leia manages to rescue herself from deep space using the force.

Qual é provavelmente o mais óbvio uso de força em qualquer um dos filmes

14.12.2017 / 19:03

Em alguns dos romances, Leia eventualmente treina como um Jedi sob o comando de Luke. Muito para o desgosto de Han.

Veja: Trégua em Bakura, corte da Princesa Leia.

Além disso, em Empire Strikes Back, Leia percebe a presença de Luke. Se isso é puramente Lucas, ou sinergia entre os dois, é uma questão de conjectura.

E, no Ep VIII, ela usa a força de uma maneira inegável.

16.01.2012 / 01:13

Leia é sensível à força e, embora ela nunca tenha treinado para se tornar um Jedi, ela usou a Força várias vezes.

No livro de Star Wars, Aftermath: Life Debt , Leia percebe que seu filho é um menino, assim como o lado sombrio:

"...Her thoughts reach for her wayward brother like a living thing, like branches seeking he sun. I need you here. I need your help. Luke sometimes had a farm boy's naïveté, yes, but right now she feels she could use a little of that. Her mind is a tangle of thoughts. The complexities of politics, the love of (and anger over) Han, the loss of Luke, and above all else the ever persistent worry about the life she carries--- Her skin tingles. Her mind feels suddenly unmoved from the rest of her. Leia feels dizzy enough to fall over. Oh. Oh, my! There! There it is. Washing over her and through her---and awareness unlike any she's ever felt before. A pulsing glow, flickering and strong. It's not the plant. It's not Luke. It's not even Han. It's her child. This isn't just a mother's recognition of the life inside---that she already knows....This is something separate from her. It isn't a physical feeling. It is all around her.....As such, she is suddenly aware of her child's mind and spirit: She senses pluck and wit and steel blood and a keen mind and by the blood of Alderaan is this one going to be a fighter! Wait. He? It's a boy. It's a boy. Her hands fly in front of her mouth as she both laughs and cries at the same time. This, she thinks, is the light side that Luke always goes on about---the promise of light, the promise of a new life...and then, the black edging of the dark side encircles her bliss like a noose. Because what rides swift on the heels of hope but fear--a fear that stretches out far and wide like a growing shadow....."

Através de vários quadrinhos canônicos, Leia é vista lutando com um sabre de luz e ela também vê a volta de protrait de Padme e olha para ela. Ela também sente a presença de Maul no palácio de Theed, de onde ele estava anos atrás.

Em outro livro canônico de Guerra nas Estrelas, Bloodline , há outros exemplos de sensibilidade à força de Leia:

Bloodline , p49

"...Leia mentally cataloged that name for later. Maybe her curiosity had only seized upon a random group of people, frequent gamblers who would naturally visit a world like this often, calmer than most. Her suspicion of them was only a hunch, but her hunches often proved to be right. Luke said those strong instincts of hers served as proof of the Force, evidence that it was working through her all the time..."

Nos filmes, várias cenas mostram a sensibilidade à força de Leia:

  1. Leia doesn't give away where the plans for the Death Star are located, despite interrogations and pain (Episode IV)

  2. She knew the Millennium Falcon was being tracked (Episode IV)

  3. Leia senses something is wrong in Cloud City and is distrustful of Lando (Episode V):

LEIA: Something's wrong here! No one has seen or knows anything about Threepio. He's been gone too long to have gotten lost. Han takes Leia by the shoulders and gently kisses her forehead

HAN: Relax. I'll talk to Lando and see what I can find out.

LEIA: I don't trust Lando

  1. Leia hears Luke's SOS call through the Force (Episode V)

  2. Leia remembers her mother (presumably through the Force) (Episode VI)

  3. Leia always knew Luke was her brother (Episode VI):

LUKE: Yes, it's you, Leia.

LEIA: I know...somehow, I've always known

  1. Leia senses Luke left the Death Star and is alright (Episode VI)

  2. In The Force Awakens novelization, Leia senses the deaths on Hosnian Prime as the system is destroyed

  3. She senses some light in her son, Kylo Ren (Episode VII)

  4. She senses Han's death (Episode VII)

Em The Last Jedi , os poderes de força de Leia são expandidos e nós a vemos:

11. save herself by using the force to pull herself back to the command ship after the bridge she was in was exploded by the First Order. She senses Luke when he opens himself up to the Force again on Ahch-To while in her coma and later admits that she knows that her son is gone. Finally, Leia senses Luke's death along with Rey at the end of The Last Jedi

Pode haver mais exemplos, no entanto, esses são os principais que eu posso lembrar. Leia é sensível à força, no entanto, é mais sutil do que a de Lucas, só porque ela escolheu um caminho diferente do seu irmão. J.J. Abrams afirmou que eles estão deixando a porta aberta para o personagem de Leia, dizendo que é "nunca é tarde demais" para o personagem perseguir um caminho Jedi.

23.10.2016 / 01:42

Na história em quadrinhos canônica Império Shattered , Leia vai para Naboo, mais especificamente para o Palácio Theed. Enquanto está lá, ela sente o remanescente da Força de Darth Maul de décadas atrás, quando ele estava lá no corredor em que ela estava.

02.08.2016 / 05:10

No romance de 2017 de Claudia Gray Viagem a Star Wars: O Último Jedi Leia, Princesa de Alderaan , Leia faz uso da Força, embora tenha sido mais "acidental" do que qualquer outra coisa nenhuma ideia de suas origens neste momento, e inconsciente de seu potencial de Força.

Leia uses the Force to save herself and her classmate from falling into a ravine, both by using the Force to calm herself, and to be aware of her surrounding, and the novel also hints that she uses the Force to augment her own strength to help them swing to safety when hanging in the ravine.

Alguns excertos interessantes do livro que mostram a influência da Força nesta parte

- As soon as she said that, Leia felt... centered, in a way she hadn't felt before. ...


She shut her eyes, breathed in again. It seemed to her she could feel the shape and dimension of the rock around them, that she knew the location of every spar and outcropping as automatically as if they were a part of her.


Leia leapt at the exact moment Kier did, her limbs flooded with strength beyond what she'd thought she'd possessed, They swung around the outcropping and easily reached the other side...


Keir: "That was one hell of a jump," he finally said. "How did you do that?".
Leia: "I don't know." Already that odd spell that had fallen over her was broken.The strange vital energy that had so briefly sung to her had gone quiet again.

22.12.2017 / 15:16

Na força que desperta trailer Lucas afirma claramente:

"The force is strong in my family. My father had it. My sister had it. I have it. And now you have it too."


Significando que sua irmã realmente usou a força, como diz "minha irmã teve", mostra uma figura encapuzada em forma de menina usando a força.

23.10.2015 / 14:13

Em "Splinter of the Minds Eye", de Alan Dean Foster, ela luta contra Vader com o sabre de luz de Luke, com habilidade que pode ser reforçada pela Força:

"But Leia performed a spinning, twisting arc in the air and brought her saber down in a slashing flare of blue light. Energy flashed as it contacted the Dark Lord's armored breath mask. Only superhuman reflexes enabled him to avoid the full effect of the blow."

15.12.2017 / 03:36

Veja também três instâncias em três das novas Marvel Comics :

  1. Star Wars: Princesa Leia - Leia vê uma representação de sua mãe em um movimento mural:

In issue #2 of Marvel’s Princess Leia, the ambitious young leader makes her way to Naboo on a mission for the Rebels, accompanied by R2-D2 and her pilot, Evaan Verlaine. Shortly after the trio lands, a mural of Queen Amidala stops Leia in her tracks. In three gorgeous panels, Padmé seems to come to life and turn to look at Leia with those kind, sad eyes. But when Evaan doesn’t see the same thing, Leia hesitantly dismisses it.

2. Império Shattered - Leia sente a presença de Darth Maul com o tempo.

Stronger with the Force than she was before, Leia experiences a much more intense vision than her first on Naboo. After the Empire surrounds Naboo with weather-altering satellites with the ability to cause horrific typhoons, Leia and Shara team up with flight-certified Queen Sosha Soruna to take on the threat. The Queen escorts Leia and Shara Bey into the same hangar that Leia’s parents once occupied during the Battle of Naboo, over 30 years before, and as she enters, Leia immediately feels the room go cold. She has a haunting vision of Darth Maul’s bloodshot eyes, his dark presence still lurking in the hangar decades after he killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Guerra nas Estrelas (Em curso) - Leia pega e usa um sabre de luz.

The new run of Star Wars comics by Marvel have even given Leia the chance to pick up a lightsaber in one of the coolest massive fights since the Battle of Geonosis. While Luke spends his time complimenting Han for looking ultra cool with a lightsaber, our erstwhile Princess seems like a natural, especially with that strangely familiar arch of blue light emitting from the hilt.


05.01.2018 / 02:56