Filme de ficção científica mais antigo: Batalhas de tripulação de foguetes em forma de marrom, nativos humanóides hostis


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Foguete deixa a terra para o espaço e cai no planeta. A tripulação está agora abandonada. Os humanóides indígenas são hostis. Eles pareciam homens das cavernas: cabelos desgrenhados, sobrancelhas espessas, e usavam roupas de pele de urso. Eles empunhavam facas de pedra. Nada de estranho em sua aparência além de serem retrocessos. A tripulação da espaçonave não precisou usar seus ternos porque havia uma atmosfera semelhante à da Terra. Última cena caracteriza batalha entre capitão de navio e líder de humanóides. Capitão derrota o líder. Epílogo sugere que um novo mundo será criado agora.

por Opaka 06.09.2017 / 21:33

1 resposta

Poderia ser Rocketship X-M ?

Four men and a woman blast into outer space from the White Sands Proving Ground aboard the RX-M (Rocketship Expedition-Moon) on humanity's first expedition to Luna. Halfway there, after surviving their jettisoned and runaway first stage and a meteoroid storm, their engines suddenly quit. Recalculating fuel ratios and swapping fuel tank positions fixes the problem. After the engines fire, RX-M rapidly careens out of control on a rapid heading beyond the Moon; lowered oxygen pressure also causes the crew to slowly pass out. They gradually revive much later and discover that they have traveled some 50,000,000 miles and are now on a direct heading toward Mars. Quick calculations reveal that RX-M is only 50,000 miles away. Dr. Karl Eckstrom (John Emery) is forced to "pause and observe respectfully while something infinitely greater assumes control".


Finding cave refuge, the scientists notice in the distance the primitive descendants of that civilization emerging from behind boulders and creeping toward them. Amazed, Dr. Eckstrom comments "From Atomic Age to Stone Age". Soon after leaving, two of the explorers encounter a dark-haired woman who has lost her footing and rolled down a hill toward them; she is blind, with thick, milky cataracts on both eyes. She screams upon hearing their oxygen mask-distorted voices. The radiation burned tribesmen attack, throwing large rocks and stone axes. Armed with only a revolver and a bolt-action rifle, the explorers defend themselves, purposely missing the primitives. Dr. Eckstrom is killed by a stone axe; navigator Chamberlain (Hugh O'Brian) is badly injured by a large thrown rock. The survivors finally make their way back to the RX-M.


07.09.2017 / 00:47