Onde estava o resto da tripulação no Interstellar?


No filme Interstellar eles deixaram a Terra para outra galáxia. Cinco pessoas partiram para a missão. Quando eles chegam, parte da tripulação explora o planeta com ondas.

One of three people dies at the planet. Romilly (portrayed by David Gyasi) then welcomes them back on the Endeavor, after 23 years which he was living on the ship and not in the cryosleep.

Onde é o último membro da tripulação, Doyle (interpretado por Wes Bentley)?

por jnovacho 07.11.2014 / 21:27

2 respostas

Existem apenas quatro membros da tripulação do Endurance: Cooper, Brand, Doyle e Rommily.

Doyle is the one killed on the water world.

08.11.2014 / 00:40

Havia apenas quatro tripulantes humanos a bordo do Endurance;

  • Amelia Brand
  • NFN Doyle
  • NFN Romilly
  • Joseph "Coop" Cooper

E dois robôs

  • TARS
  • CASO.

Flipping switches and adjusting settings, Amelia, Doyle, and Romilly began powering up what would be their home for — well, who knew how long?She watched Tars activate Case, an articulated machine like himself, who made up the final member of their crew.

Interstellar - Official Novelisation (Plus all quotes below)

Doyle morreu no Mundo de Miller

The Ranger tilted sharply and seawater slapped Doyle back, out of Case’s grip, as it came raging across the hatch. The ship was lifted and everything went sideways. That fast—the blink of an eye—Doyle was gone.

Romilly morreu no mundo de Mann

There was nothing to be seen of Mann’s pod but billowing, oily black smoke, and Cooper knew Romilly was dead. Mann’s story about Kipp had been pure bullshit—Kipp had collected data proving the planet was uninhabitable, and Mann had shut him down. He must have also booby-trapped him, in case anyone started prying.

TARS e Cooper sobreviveram e transitaram para a Estação Cooper.

He also recognized the voice. Tars. “You survived,” Cooper said.

Amelia Brand e CASE sobreviveram e viajaram para o Mundo de Edmund

Amelia watched, weeping, as Case excavated Wolf’s pod, buried beneath a massive rock fall. Only the robot and the desert witnessed her grief.

30.10.2017 / 20:16