História sobre realidade simulada pós-apocalíptica. [duplicado]

Basicamente, um cara vem ao outro cara, que lhe oferece uma segunda vida virtual por tudo que ele tem. Ele concorda coloca em algum tipo de capacete e experimenta sua segunda vida, onde tudo é bom e elegante. Ele então é retirado dessa realidade. O cara pergunta a ele "O que você viu?" Para o qual o personagem principal responde algo como nada de especial. Paga-lhe tudo o que tem, o que é praticamente um monte de lixo e saídas pós-apocalípticas.

Obrigado antecipadamente.

por Greg 26.03.2018 / 15:57

1 resposta

Robert Sheckley A Loja dos Mundos (escrito em 1963). Foi publicado em Brian Aldiss Mais Penguin Science Fiction . O personagem central compra um "sonho" no que agora seria chamado de máquina VR

"the ten years off my life - - - That can't be helped" - - But when he stepped inside his house Janet, his wife, wanted him to speak sharply to the maid - - his son Tommy wanted help with the sloop, which was to be launched tomorrow. And his baby daughter wanted to tell him all about her day in kindergarten

Mas nenhum deles existe mais.

That year in the past had cost him everything he owned, and ten years off life thrown in for good measure. Had it been a dream? It was still worth it! But now he had to put away all thought of Janet and the children. That was finished - - . Now he had to think about his own survival. With the aid of his wrist Geiger he found a deactivated lane through the rubble. He'd better get back to the shelter before dark, before the rats came out. If he didn't hurry he'd miss the evening potato ration.

O "sonho" era apenas a sua vida cotidiana, agora perdida e preciosa além do preço.

26.03.2018 / 16:40