Por que existem versões diferentes deste caractere?


Em The Flash Temporada 2 Episódio 18 descobrimos que

Jay is Zoom and that he's real name is Hunter Zolomon

também sabemos do seu passado

on my Earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer.

That's Jay? No, that is Hunter.

Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon.

Instantly recognizable.

When Hunter was 11, his father killed his mother right in front of him.

Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system.

Years later he was convicted on 23 counts of murder.

After the trial, Hunter was sent to the Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane given daily electroshock therapy. Cure him of his urges and then faded from view. Until the night your particle accelerator exploded.

That's right.

The dark matter crept into the mental asylum.

I had thought piping the explosion underground would limit exposure.

I was wrong.

All it did was create an unstoppable monster.

então descobrimos que

the Jay that's been helping Barry and team Flash and dies, was a time remnant of Zoom's past self and was never real

How are you still alive? We saw you die.

You did.

So what was that? A speed mirage? [chuckles] Speed mirage? Uh, no.

Even I'm not that fast.

I knew that I couldn't be on two Earths at the same time, so I went back in time and, uh, met another version of myself.

Your time remnant.

Like the Reverse-Flash.

I also knew that the only way to make Barry become faster was if you all witnessed your old pal Jay die.

When did you decide to do that? Oh, once you closed all the breaches, went to Earth-2.

Believe me, getting my time remnant to agree to me murdering him took a bit of convincing.

But once he saw the well, the genius in my plan, he was all for it.

então por que existem várias versões de

Jay Garrick and why did the past self of hunter agree with zoom to murder him in front of Barry and the team and why was his past self a time remnant last why would zoom go back in time and ask his past self to be the flash and fight him and to go to earth 1 and help Barry and the team to train for Barry's battle with zoom.

por Andrew Casali 22.04.2016 / 02:37

1 resposta

Nós vemos três Zolomons Hunter Jay Garricks :

  • Earth-1 Hunter - no parque. Este é o que "Jay" e Caitlin assistem. Ele não tem envolvimento ativo na trama. Muito parecido com o comunismo , ele é apenas uma grande mentira.
  • Earth-2 Zoom / Hunter-Prime (sobrevivente). Este é o que ainda está vivo, que acaba de adquirir mais força da Speed.
  • Earth-2 Zoom / Hunter-Remanescente (morto). Este é o que Zoom matou na frente de todos.

Assim como o Flash Reverso, o Zoom precisava que Barry corresse mais rápido, com o objetivo de roubar suas habilidades aprimoradas. Para Thawne, era para voltar ao futuro; para Zolomon, parece ser capaz de curar qualquer doença que esteja matando ele.

O Zoom-Prime conseguiu convencer o Zoom-Remnant a morrer de modo que o Zoom, como uma entidade pode viver. Por que o Zoom-Remnant concordaria com isso? Ele não é exatamente sensato. Ele passou um tempo indeterminado passando pela terapia diária de choque e se desapegou de sentir qualquer remorso ou culpa.

Barry: And you just don't care how many lives you destroy trying to get it? How many people you kill?

Zoom-Prime: No, I don't! That feeling was taken from me a long time ago.

Assim como o Flash Reverso, ambos os Earth-2 Zooms entenderam que a chave para a sobrevivência deles era o longo jogo. Zoom-Prime explica ao Team-Flash que ele precisava estar em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo para poder convencer a todos que ele estava do lado deles. É um plano brutal, com certeza, mas que um psicopata moribundo está disposto a concordar.

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22.04.2016 / 14:32