Jeri Ryan declarou em uma entrevista para a edição de setembro de 1999 da revista Playboy (não, ela não parece nua) que ela perguntou aos produtores da Voyager se ela deveria pronunciar "poucos" como outros Borgs, mas ela foi explicitamente instruída a dizer "pouco-tul":
PLAYBOY: Speaking of the Borg, is resistance "few-tile" or "few-tul"?
RYAN: Good question. When my character was introduced, I had to say, "Resistance is futile." The producers had shown me the movie First Contact so I'd at least know what a Borg is, and every time a Borg speaks the line it's "Resistance is few-tile." Few-tile, few-tile, few-tile. So I asked your question: "Few-tile? Is that a Borg thing? Or is it few-tul?" They said, "No, no, no, it's few-tul. You don't say few-tile. Patrick Stewart says few-tile because he has an English accent." I said, "Well, what about the voice of the Collective? It says few-tile, doesn't it?" "No, no, no. We recorded the voice of the Collective and it says few-tul." I said, "All right, but I don't want to take the flak if we start getting mail because I said the wrong thing." Sure enough, the show airs and the voice of the Collective says few-tile, and I'm the only Borg in the history of Star Trek, apparently, who has ever said few-tul. It has no zip. It's depressing.
O site Ex Astris Scientia observa que o único outro exemplo de um personagem que o pronuncia " Pouquíssimo "é Data in Primeiro Contato , ironicamente o filme que Jeri Ryan citou na entrevista.
Actually, Data says "few-tul" too in "Star Trek: First Contact" (when he smashes the coolant tube, thereby killing the Borg). Which appears strange because Jeri Ryan should have noticed that, saying that she watched the movie. Perhaps she only saw the introduction of the Borg in the beginning. And after all, she explicitly referred to the Borg always saying "few-tile", not to Data.
Também é possível que Jeri Ryan tenha de fato notado que Data disse isso de forma diferente, o que a levou a perguntar aos produtores "Isso é uma coisa de Borg?" Ou ela apenas esqueceu.