"Garupa-maminha-maminha-TAH-Tee" , uma pequena história por Fritz Leiber ; Publicado pela primeira vez em A Revista de Fantasia e Ficção Científica , maio de 1958 , disponível no Arquivo da Internet .
Esta história envolveu um artista criando uma série de splodges
Simon seized a brush and plunged it deep in the pot of black paint. Usually he used black for a final splatter if he used it at all, but this time he had the impulse to reverse himself.
Of a sudden Tally's wrists lifted high, hands dangling loosely, almost like a marionette's. There was a dramatic pause. Then his hands came down and beat out a phrase on the log, loudly and with great authority.
Simon's wrist snapped and the middle air was full of free-falling paint which hit the canvas in a fast series of splaaAATs which was an exact copy of Tally's phrase.
que acabou sendo incrivelmente viciante. A representação se espalhou como fogo, sendo reproduzida em capas de almofadas, pisos de piscinas etc.
Norman himself, seeking escape in chess, had checkmated his opponent in a blitz game (where each player must move without hesitation) by banging down his pieces in the rump-titty rhythm—and his subconscious mind had timed it, he said, so that the last move came right on the tee; it was a little pawn-move after a big queen-check on the TAH. Lafcadio, turning to cooking, had found himself mixing salad with a rump-titty flourish. (". . . and a madman to mix it, so the old Spanish recipe says," he finished with a despairing giggle.) Lester Phlegius, seeking release from the obsession in the companionship of a lady spiritualist with whom he had been carrying on a strictly Platonic love affair for ten years, found himself enlivening with the rump-titty rhythm the one chaste embrace they permitted themselves to each meeting. Phoebe had torn herself away and slapped him full-arm across the face. What had horrified Lester was that the impact had coincided precisely with the TAH.
Os protagonistas queriam se libertar porque estava afetando muito a sociedade e as pessoas estavam ficando excessivamente em transe. Pode ter havido a ideia de criar um contra-padrão para quebrar o feitiço.
"Please, Tally," Norman said. "Wherever he is, we must operate on the hope that there is a counterformula or negative symbol—yang to this yin—which he wants, or wanted, to transmit too—something that will stop this flood of madness we have loosed on the world."
A história da Leiber é aquela sobre a qual você perguntou, mas aqui estão algumas outras com temas similares. " The Ultimate Melody " por Arthur C. Clarke ; versão abreviada (faltando White Hart frame) publicado em Se , fevereiro de 1957 , disponível em Arquivo da Internet .
" Pie and Punch e You-Know-Whats " por Robert McCloskey .
"Nada além de pão de gengibre" por Henry Kuttner e C. L. Moore ; publicado pela primeira vez em Astounding Science-Fiction , janeiro de 1943 , disponível no Arquivo da Internet .
" Um pesadelo literário " também conhecido como" Punch, Brothers, Punch "por Mark Twain ; disponível no Project Gutenberg .