Em que pessoa da vida real a personagem Rita Skeeter é baseada?


Eu li alguns anos atrás que Rita Skeeter (talvez) foi baseada em uma pessoa viva.

Eu acho que era uma mulher americana escrevendo biografias de veneno sobre famílias famosas. Alguém pode me ajudar?

por Amelie B. Blackstone 15.09.2015 / 00:54

2 respostas

Ninguém, pelo menos não deliberadamente.

Em uma entrevista no Edinburgh Book Festival em 2004 , ela foi questionada sobre Personagem de Skeeter. Isto é onde nós aprendemos que Skeeter apareceu em um rascunho inicial de Pedra Filosofal , e ela também afirma que Skeeter não é baseado em nenhuma pessoa real:

I love Rita. You know when Harry walks into the Leaky Cauldron for the first time, in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone? Everyone says, “You’re back” and he realises for the first time that he is famous. In a very early draft, Rita, a journalist, was there and she ran up to him. For some reason she was called Bridget—I forget why. Anyway, she detained him too long in the Leaky Cauldron and I really needed to get him moving, so I thought that I would not put her there.

As I was writing book one, I was planning the rest, and book four was supposed to be where Harry’s fame became a burden to him. It really starts to weigh on him when he is exposed to the wider wizarding world so I thought that that would be the perfect place for Rita to come in. She was still called Bridget at the time.

I didn’t realise that by the time I wrote book four I would have met quite a lot of Ritas and people would assume that I was writing Rita in response to what had happened to me, which was not in fact the truth. However, I am not going to deny that writing Rita was a lot more fun having met a few people I had met. I actually quite like Rita. She is loathsome—morally, she’s horrible—but I can’t help admiring her toughness. She is very determined to do the job and there is something quite engaging about that.

Muitas pessoas fizeram suposições sobre quem poderia ser baseado em Skeeter, mas Rowling e seus editores têm sido consistentes em dizer que não houve inspiração deliberada.

Houve uma questão relevante anteriormente na mesma entrevista:

Are any of your characters based on real people?

The only character who is deliberately based on a real person is Gilderoy Lockhart.

Ela nunca revelou em quem Lockhart se baseou, embora tenha havido palpites na mídia. Se Rita Skeeter fosse deliberadamente baseada em uma pessoa real, imagino que ela nos diria - ou que Skeeter era baseado em uma pessoa real, ou que Lockhart não era a única - como ela poderia manter a identidade dessa pessoa em segredo. Não vejo razão para ela mentir diretamente sobre isso na segunda citação.

15.09.2015 / 14:34

Isto é o que eu encontrei, de PotterDomain.webs.com :

Some have speculated that Rowling's fraught relationship with the press was the inspiration behind the character Rita Skeeter. However, Rowling noted in 2000 that the character actually predates her rise to fame: "People have asked me whether Rita Skeeter was invented [to reflect Harry Potter's popularity], but in fact she was always planned." "I tried to put Rita in Philosopher's Stone - you know when Harry walks into the Leaky Cauldron for the first time and everyone says, "Mr. Potter you're back!", I wanted to put a journalist in there. She wasn't called Rita then but she was a woman. And then I thought, as I looked at the plot overall, I thought, that's not really where she fits best, she fits best in Four when Harry's supposed to come to terms with his fame.

Parece que ela teve a ideia e não baseou-se em ninguém, pelo que eu pesquisei (pesquisei outros sites também). Eu posso estar errado.

15.09.2015 / 14:15