Quantas vezes Darth Vader foi gravemente ferido antes de finalmente morrer de ep.VI?


Esta questão me ocorreu depois de ler uma pergunta intrigante por @Tesserex aqui que conectou a aceitação de Vader da morte com o seu fim último. Isso me fez pensar que talvez sua strong personalidade / convicção o tenha ajudado a passar por outros episódios quase fatais (além de ser queimado até o ponto crítico no Ep.III). Eu não li nenhum dos romances, só vi os filmes, então tudo que eu sei é quando ele foi queimado no final do Ep.III. Apenas imaginando quantas vezes Darth Vader poderia ter sido gravemente ferido ou ferido antes de morrer no Ep.VI?

por Canadian Girl Scout 10.09.2012 / 05:54

1 resposta

During his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker was first maimed by lightsabre [sic] cuts. He lost both legs around the knees, and much of his left arm. He fell onto a slope of volcanic sand, and slid helplessly to the edge of a lava river. His body ignited due to heat radiated off that flow. His lungs were scorched by the hot gases he inhaled. [Revenge of the Sith novel; graphic novel; childrens' novel.]

This explains most (but not all) of Lord Vader's injuries. Vader may have experienced mishaps between the films. He may have lost more flesh from his limbs before his final fight at Endor. His spinal damage may have resulted from an accidental fall into a pit on Mimban [in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, though the book doesn't show how badly he was hurt]. Lord Vader could have suffered extra injuries during his hunts for surviving Jedi and the Clone Wars campaigns that continued after the Empire was proclaimed.

Nonetheless, if the passages from Return of the Jedi are taken literally, the worst of Vader's injuries result from serious burns inflicted when he fell in a volcanic environment


Observe que a maior parte do conteúdo foi escrita em meados dos anos 90; bem antes de os prequels saírem.

Vader's back, specifically his spine, was not whole.[9] Vader at some time had suffered serious spinal injury in the upper neck. However, his injuries on Mustafar did not affect the spine.1 This forced Vader to wear a thick electrode-studded collar that supported his helmet to safeguard the cybernetic devices that replaced his upper vertebrae.


No entanto, esta nova fonte parece corroborar um único ferimento grave na espinha de Vader após a batalha em Mustafar.

No romance Splinter of the Mind's Eye, houve uma batalha entre Luke e Vader no Mimban, mas os resumos parecem conflitar um pouco. No entanto, depois de folhear minha cópia do romance, o resumo do romance está correto.

They continue to battle and Luke, his actions guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan and his power augmented by the Kaiburr crystal, strikes Vader's sword arm, severing it. Undaunted, Vader picks up his lightsaber with his remaining arm, and again pursues the exhausted Luke. Vader, also exhausted, is about to win, staggering as he approaches to make the killing blow, and he falls into a pit; Luke senses that this does not kill Vader.

link 's_Eye

Every movement of Skywalker was guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi and empowered by the crystal, so the young boy amazingly managed to hold Vader off, even managing to sever the Dark Lord's mechanical arm. Shocked, Vader tumbled down a deep pit, ending their duel. This was the first battle between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.


10.09.2012 / 07:44