Sim, o médico reconheceu os dispositivos, mas achou que eram "trituradores atômicos". O roteiro original mostra isso bem claro:
THE DOCTOR and the others join him.
There is a box containing six small tubes with protruding needles and plastic caps - like fat digital hypodermics. Atomic shredders
PSI : What are they?
THE DOCTOR : (Pocketing them) Not a clue.
On SAIBRA, scanning his face, shrewd, eager.
SAIBRA : Interesting.
THE DOCTOR : (Sharply) What is?
SAIBRA : You're lying.
Mais tarde, sua surpresa de que seus co-heróis não estejam mortos é 100% real. Ele genuinamente parece ter sentido que esses dispositivos eram úteis apenas para o suicídio indolor (sua " estratégia de saída "):
THE DOCTOR - just staring. Pop-eyed with disbelief, a world-rocking moment of astonishment. Barely a voice when he speaks ...
THE DOCTOR (OS) : ... Saibra?
The other GUARD now speaks with a familiar voice.
PSI : What looked like death -
Rips off his helmet to reveal PSI.
PSI : ... was actually a teleporter!
CLARA : Oh my God!
PSI : It's good, eh? You think we're dead, so the Teller thinks we're dead! Play the creature at his own mind-games.
THE DOCTOR, still bug-eyed, still trying to process.
THE DOCTOR : No, no, wait, wait! . Sorry, what?? You, you, you're alive?
SAIBRA : Yeah, we're alive. Look at us, all alive.
THE DOCTOR : No, no , no, no. Not dead, alive.
No final, aprendemos que tudo isso é uma fraude elaborada e que a pessoa que organizou o assalto foi ...
The doctor himself.
Desde que esse é o caso, não é de surpreender que os aparelhos tenham sido habilmente disfarçados e enganaram o médico