Eu vou dizer não. Primeiramente, é explicitamente declarado em vários dos scripts que a emocionalidade sempre estará além de Data, mesmo em situações em que ele possa claramente identifique que uma resposta emocional seria apropriada, por exemplo, em TNG: The Offspring, onde sua filha morre:
DATA : What do you feel, Lal?
LAL : I... love... you... Father.
And Data just stares at her... unable to say it back.
DATA : I wish I could feel it with you.
LAL : I... will... feel... it... for... both... of... us.
PICARD : The crew grieves for your loss, Mister Data.
Data studies the sad faces of his "family", never has, never will entirely understand "grieving".
e em Star Trek Generations, o próprio Data nos dá uma boa indicação de que, sem o chip, ele chegou ao fim da estrada no que diz respeito ao seu crescimento (como pessoa).
(nb eu citei da novela para facilitar a leitura, mas o script é essencialmente o mesmo.
"I thought you were afraid it would overload your neural net." "That is true," Data replied. "However, I believe my growth as an artificial life-form has reached an impasse. For thirty-four years I have endeavored to become more 'human'- to grow beyond my original programming. And yet I am still unable to grasp such a basic concept as humor."
He turned back toward the crystalline case. "This emotion chip may be the only answer." Geordi leaned forward to dubiously study the chip, then sighed. At worst, it could cause some annoying complications, but no permanent damage. And what right did he have to deny his friend such an experience?