Aspirador de pó acusado de assassinato


Isso deve ser fácil. Eu tenho o livro em algum lugar, mas não me lembro do título ou autor. Um cientista tenta colocar sua mente em um aspirador de pó equipado com AI, mas durante o processo o aspirador entra em pânico e se desconecta, matando o cientista. Autoridades cobram o aspirador com homicídio e um advogado passa a maior parte da história tentando se defender. Ele está tão preocupado que ele ignora a condição de sua esposa que está morrendo.

por Bill Lubarsky 12.08.2015 / 02:53

1 resposta

Este é o The Modular Man de Roger MacBride Allen.

Por wikipedia:

The novel concerns the issue of personhood and what it takes to be considered a member of the moral universe. There are three main characters: Herbert the vacuum cleaner, who is modified by his owner, David Bailey, a scientist who specializes in figuring out how to "mindload". Mindloading is the act of a human downloading their mind into a machine. A successful mindload entails the death of the human. It is a way for humans to become immortal, if only in the form of vacuum cleaner.

The book begins with the arrest of Herbert, the vacuum cleaner, for David's murder. David's wife, Suzanne Jantille, is a trial attorney who is a quadriplegic as a result of a car crash that also paralyzed her husband. She lives through a "Remote person" who has all human senses except for the ability to feel by touch. She can guide the remote person through a helmet attached to her "bio body" and retrieves all "video and audio" signals through the remote. She can function as a whole human being, but the outside world notices that she is a remote — and does not approve.

12.08.2015 / 06:36