O que aconteceu com o lutador do General Grievous?


No Episódio III, Obi-Wan Kenobi rouba o pessoal do General Grievous e foge com ele, pegando Luke e Leia pelo caminho.

O que aconteceu com esta espaçonave? Ele vendeu na Tattooine (por exemplo, para conseguir dinheiro suficiente para comprar sua casa)? Ele ainda o tinha na época do episódio IV? Se sim, por que ele e Luke não poderiam ter viajado para Alderaan em vez de precisar alugar um voo com Han? Foi inoperante depois de todos esses anos? Era simplesmente pequeno demais para caber os dois mais os dróides? Nós já descobrimos o destino final do lutador?

Qualquer nível de informação canônica é bem-vindo.

por Robert Columbia 10.09.2017 / 15:13

1 resposta

canon principal

O último que ouviu falar do lutador é que ele foi usado para transportar Obi-Wan de Utapau para o Sundered Heart.

But Obi-Wan Kenobi killed the Separatist general before he could get away. After Obi-Wan was betrayed by his clone troops, he flew Grievous’s fighter to a rendezvous with Bail Organa and Yoda.

Star Wars: Databack - The Soulless One


O navio recebe mais uma menção em Star Wars: A Vida e a Lenda de Obi-Wan Kenobi . Obi-Wan descartou-o em um espaçoporto a caminho de Tatooine. Não está totalmente claro se ele a vendeu ou simplesmente a abandonou.

R2-D2 had been to the Lars family moisture farm just prior to the Battle of Geonosis, and was able to provide the farm’s coordinates to Obi-Wan. The starfighter that Obi-Wan had taken from the late General Grievous had remained in Tantive IV’s docking bay, and Obi-Wan planned to use the starfighter to take Luke to a spaceport at Nar Shaddaa, a moon in a space sector controlled by the Hutts. As Obi-Wan carried Luke into the starfighter’s cockpit, R2-D2 beeped a farewell message to the Jedi. There was no point in Obi-Wan saying goodbye to C-3PO, for Bail Organa had already taken the security precaution of having the talkative protocol droid’s memory erased.   Holding Luke Skywalker’s swaddled form against his chest, Obi-Wan Kenobi sat in an uncomfortable seat on a crowded, Tatooine-bound starcruiser. The Jedi Master had little experience holding babies, but he did his best to look comfortable with the child in his arms.

Bail Organa had provided a supply of untraceable credits for Obi-Wan to pay for the journey to the sand planet. To further maintain secrecy, Obi-Wan and Luke were traveling to Tatooine via an indirect route starting from Nar Shaddaa on a series of public transports. During a layover at a space station, Obi-Wan witnessed a group of travelers at a HoloNet kiosk, watching a broadcast about recent events on Coruscant. Obi-Wan had cringed when he saw a hologram of Emperor Palpatine urging viewers to report anyone whom they suspected of being a Jedi or having “supernatural powers.” Palpatine’s words had prompted one traveler to remark, “Thank goodness those terrible Jedi were stopped!”

Star Wars: The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ele faz mais uma aparição no pacote de expansão 'Rage of the Wookies' de Star Wars Galaxies. Evidentemente, ele foi recuperado por N-K Necrosis de um depósito secreto do Império em Utapau e usado por esse personagem até sua morte. Nesse momento a escritura é transferida para o personagem do jogador .

10.09.2017 / 15:50