O que Kanar tem gosto?


O que é o kassar cardassiano que deveria ter gosto? É doce ou salgado? Eu sei que existem muitas versões diferentes do kanar, mas que tipo de sabor é suposto ter?

por Lukas 18.08.2014 / 22:49

3 respostas

Não há nada na série de TV que indique o gosto dela, mas vários dos romances da UE têm um histórico razoável. Descrição: Cheira e tem sabor doce e alcoólico, mas com notas pesadas de vegetais podres. Para os humanos, é basicamente intragável.

O melhor recurso oferecido é a partir do romance " A Stitch in Time " de Andrew J. Robinson ( o ator que interpretou Elim Garak). Embora nenhum dos romances seja considerado 'canon', o fato de ser de autoria de um dos atores originais do show deve dar-lhe um peso considerável:

Kanar is a valuable if unreliable weapon I employ against this army. The pills the Doctor gives me are a poor substitute. ... The Klingon commotion from the dabo table momentarily distracted me. I took another sip of the bitter-sweet liquid.

Há uma descrição da perspectiva de um testador humano em " Armas silenciosas ":

In front of La Forge was a squat tumbler of kanar, a syrupy alcoholic treat from Dygan’s homeworld, Cardassia Prime. The chief engineer picked up the glass and rolled it in a slow circle, testing the viscosity of the fluid within; the kanar moved like industrial lubricant. He took a whiff of it and wrinkled his nose in confusion. Its sweeter notes seemed enticing, but it was laced with a pungent kick that threatened a less than benign drinking experience.

He and Dygan downed their drinks in single pours—then both men doubled over as they sprayed the deck with spit-takes. La Forge gagged and smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in a futile bid to rid it of the sickening taste of kanar, and Dygan dropped his glass as he coughed and gasped for air.

e de " Terok Nor: Noite dos Lobos "

Damar himself couldn’t stand the syrupy stuff, never having developed a taste for it, though he’d been known to take a glass in good company for diplomacy’s sake.

e de Rise Like Lions :

Her verbosity made Damar smile. “You mean the people will throw us out if we let the Klingons in. Thank you, Councillor, for that remedial lesson in politics.” He picked up a glass from his desk and sipped kanar that was almost as sweet as the look on Gulal’s face was sour. Setting down the glass, he asked Temar, “How does Central Command recommend we stop the Klingons?”

18.08.2014 / 23:21

Eu pensei que seu sabor dependesse de como ele era fabricado.

Eu não tenho uma resposta definitiva para isso, mas eu sugiro que, como a cor muda, seu sabor também mudaria. Para que o sabor muda, eu esperaria que isso fosse tão espontâneo quanto sua cor.

Da Memória Alfa:

Although not stated directly, there were several types of kanar. In TNG: "The Wounded" it appeared to be a light purple, transparent drink served in very small glasses.

In DS9: "The Maquis, Part II" it was seen as the thick, black drink in characteristic bottles seen in many DS9 episodes.

Then, in DS9: "The Wire" it was a blue, opaque drink in a different kind of bottle.

In DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", it appeared differently again, this time it was an orange, opaque liquid, but served in the characteristic kanar bottles. After that, it finally changed back to the black, thick liquid seen for the first time in "The Maquis, Part II".

According to an interview with Casey Biggs (Damar), Karo syrup was used for brown kanar to create the effect of a dark, thick liquid, which he actually drank. Property Master Joe Longo joked in an issue of Star Trek: The Magazine (Issue 4) that "... he was drinking so much he was getting weird, so we started using a thickened sugar-free pancake syrup."

Damar's fondness for the spirit, first observed in "Behind the Lines", was introduced as a way to show an inner turmoil, essentially using it to drown out his conscience and justify an alliance he knows to be wrong – indeed, in "Strange Bedfellows", he looks at himself in the mirror and tosses the drink at his reflection just before helping Worf and Dax escape. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion)

In "Behind the Lines", Kanar appeared as a much thinner liquid, akin to many Human beverages such as wine or spirits. This is in contrast to "Defiant" where Dukat was shown pouring the drink while being briefed by Sisko and Odo, where it appeared to have a thick, treacle-like consistency. The thinner liquid was of an older, expensive vintage, leading to the conclusion Kanar may thin out as it ages.

The strength of Kanar may also vary greatly. In many episodes we see Cardassians drinking multiple bottles of it like it was wine, while in "Behind the Lines" Quark and Damar are both rendered drunk by sharing a single bottle; considering that they are a bartender and a soldier they're both expected to have great drinking stamina which suggests that this bottle of expensive Kanar had the strength of a hard liquor (which also explains the thinness of it as alcohol has a very low viscosity).

Desta citação podemos ver que Kanar difere muito de garrafa para garrafa.

18.08.2014 / 23:24
Eu supus, pela sua viscosidade, que poderia ser um licor à base de seiva reunido da mesma maneira que os agricultores da Nova Inglaterra batem a seiva de bordo para produzir xarope, e alguma forma de alimento gerado por insetos. Talvez como o subproduto das abelhas, assim como o mel é produzido a partir das secreções de insetos através da regurgitação do néctar das plantas. Provavelmente no processo de fermentação, temperos de vários tipos seriam adicionados para "ajustar" o produto final. Provavelmente, da mesma forma, o vinho adquire as sutis variedades de uvas, solo, temperatura e sol. Mead ou vinho de mel, é uma bebida alcoólica antiga feita de mel e água através de fermentação com levedura.

23.01.2019 / 03:27