Por que esse navio magro está sozinho e agindo de forma incomum?


Na batalha no sistema Fomalhaut depois que o Sistema Solar é atacado e Grayson está encalhado com uma pequena porção da frota, o navio-semente Lanky se comporta de maneiras muito estranhas. Ele deposita suas vagens de sementes na superfície da lua SRA, elas correm atrás de um navio russo sem primeiro implantar os campos de minas e medidas de defesa planetária que os Lankies costumam empregar.

Além disso, eles não bombearam os colonos como costumam fazer, ou montaram terraformers, o que permitiu que as frotas combinadas recuperassem a lua.

For whatever reason, the Lanky seed ship we destroyed in the Fomalhaut system by flying a water-laden freighter into it never deployed defensive minefields around the SRA colony moon before they set out for New Svalbard. They arrived in orbit, dumped their colony pods onto the surface, and went straight after the single Russian unit in orbit, the hapless cruiser whose futile run and subsequent destruction alerted us to the Lanky presence in the system to begin with. Now the SRA moon is crawling with Lanky settlers, but they have no overhead defenses, and no seed ship in orbit to keep our ships away. We can finally fight them on somewhat even terms, with the airpower and spaceborne artillery we’re usually denied on Lanky worlds.

There are survivors all over the SRA colony. The Lankies have been on the surface for less than three weeks, and while they’ve methodically wrecked the human infrastructure on the moon wherever they went, they didn’t use the nerve-gas pods they usually employ when scraping us off one of our colonies.
Angles of Attack: Prologue

Ênfase minha.

Since the Lankies don’t show any indication of altering strategy until Fields of Fire (Book 5)

Existe alguma indicação de porque o navio Lanky estava agindo normalmente?

por amflare 27.07.2017 / 18:22

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