Bem legal:
Capa do Batman Guia de TV de Roy Lichtenstein , 1966.
Neutro Bom:
Batman: O Longo Dia das Bruxas; Volume 1, nº 1: Crime
Caótico Bom:
All Star Batman e Robin, O Menino Maravilha # 2: Não há tempo para luto
Neutro legal:
Batman Volume 1, # 619: Hush (Parte XII do XII) - O Fim
Batman Volume 1, # 658: Batman & Filho, parte 4: pais ausentes
Neutro Caótico:
Batman: Gotham Knights # 11: Transferência, Parte IV
Mal legal:
All Star Batman e Robin, o menino maravilha # 2: não há tempo para luto
Mal Neutro:
Gotham Underground # 1: Livro Um: Seqüestros!
Mal caótico:
Bem legal:
"Robin, the Constitution provides that a man is innocent until proven guilty. And the Constitution is the cornerstone of our great nation. We must abide by it."
- Batman (1960's show)
Neutro Bom:
"It's a good tonic, altruism. Nothing helps one put problems in perspective like allegiance to a higher cause."
- Gotham Knights
Caótico Bom:
"My parents taught me a different lesson... lying on this street... shaking in deep shock... dying for no reason at all. They showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to.”
- The Dark Knight Returns
Neutro legal:
"The more I examine his allies, the more I come to think of Batman as being as much of an enterprise as a single entity."
- Gotham Knights
"Vengeance blackens the soul, Bruce. I've always feared that you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night, but you haven't fallen in, and I thank heaven for that."
- Alfred Pennyworth, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Neutro Caótico:
"He knows surrendering his crusade would put him face to face with his own neuroses... and also that prevailing will eventually wear him irrevocably down. But the question becomes whether or not he will know. When he finally loses it, will he know?"
- Gotham Knights
Mal legal:
"I think I'm starting to sound more like Moriarty than Sherlock Holmes."
- Batman: The Order of the Beasts
Mal Neutro:
"Bullets don't hurt me. But I know pain. Sometimes I like to share it with people like you."
- Batman: Year One
Mal caótico:
Who else would kick a man for eating ice cream?
- Presumably made up.
Nota: Você pediu referências. Eu percebi que as imagens que vêm das capas não precisam de links (porque os números e títulos das edições são visíveis nas fotos que eu forneci). Portanto, eu só adicionei links para imagens que vêm de painéis dos quadrinhos (ou seja, tudo que não é de uma capa). Espero que esteja bem.