Star Trek: scanners médicos e DNA


O contexto desta questão é um spoiler.

In the latest Star Trek Discovery episodes we learn that Tyler is actually Voq, who has been surgically altered and had the personality of the real Tyler implanted over his own.

Como é possível que isso não tenha sido detectado pela equipe médica a bordo do Discovery ? Eu teria assumido que os scanners médicos da Frota Estelar seriam capazes de analisar o DNA (tenho certeza que já foi mencionado em outras séries), então como é possível que:

the doctor didn't realise Ash's DNA was actually Klingon?

por Ian Newson 17.01.2018 / 12:49

1 resposta

Isso é explicado no episódio 12, "Ambição de Volteio".

The Klingons transformed Voq's DNA too. L'Rell explains: The one you call "Tyler" was captured in battle at the binary stars. We harvested his DNA, reconstructed his conscious, and rebuilt his memory. We modified Voq into a shell that appears human. We grafted his psyche into Tyler's, and in so doing, Voq has given his body and soul for our ideology.

22.01.2018 / 18:24