Procurando por autor do título do livro Infinite Monkey


Algum tempo atrás (por volta de 1998), um colega de trabalho me contou sobre um livro que girava em torno do Infinite Monkey Thereom. O protagonista foi de alguma forma o gerente do projeto, no qual ele teve que recomeçar várias vezes devido aos macacos bagunçarem algo perto da linha de chegada. Não consegui encontrar através da pesquisa do Google. Isso soa familiar para alguém?

por Bobby Tait 06.10.2016 / 20:16

1 resposta

R.A. O " Tempo Longo e Longo do Lafferty" parece ser um bom jogo em potencial.

It's a very well-written humorous tale (as expected if you're familiar with Lafferty). The mathematical content is a literal interpretation of the six typing monkeys. The angel Boshel, as a punishment, is assigned to supervise the project until the randomly-typing monkeys produce a perfect copy of the collected works of Shakespeare. The four and a half pages of the story follow the project through immense vistas of time, though not to completion. The story appeared in the December 1970 issue of Fantastic, and has been reprinted several times, e.g. in the anthology "Galactic Empires Volume One" by Brian W. Aldiss.

Eu pessoalmente acho este resumo ainda mais esclarecedor, embora a página seja mais geral:

In Lafferty's short "Been a Long, Long Time", a hapless immortal called Boshel accidentally introduces randomness into the newly created universe. His punishment is to test the theory that a team of monkeys typing at random could eventually produce the works of Shakespeare. In real time. The archangel Michael provides a clock, a stone cube light-years across:

"'You don't have to wind it, you don't have to do a thing to it, Bosh,' Michael explained. 'A small bird will come every millennium and sharpen its beak on the stone. You can tell the passing of time by the diminishing of the stone. It's a good clock and it has only one moving part, the bird ...'"

The task is still incomplete when the stone has worn away enough to accommodate a small solar system ...

06.10.2016 / 20:57