Um Balrog pode ser morto por imersão em água? É dependente de oxigênio?

Como um Balrog é composto de chamas e sombras, a imersão em água mataria um Balrog, ou o aspecto sombrio de sua composição o manteria vivo, não importando quanto tempo estivesse imerso na água? O Balrog é dependente do oxigênio para sobrevivência?

A imersão em água seria um método para matar um balrog? O Balrog é dependente do oxigênio para sobrevivência?

por Slytherincess 17.03.2012 / 18:07

2 respostas

Citação relevante das Duas Torres; Capítulo 5, O Cavaleiro Branco:

'Then tell us what you will, and time allows!' said Gimli. 'Come, Gandalf, tell us how you fared with the Balrog!'
'Name him not!' said Gandalf, and for a moment it seemed that a cloud of pain passed over his face, and he sat silent, looking old as death. 'Long time I fell,' he said at last, slowly, as if thinking back with difficulty. 'Long I fell, and he fell with me. His fire was about me. I was burned. Then we plunged into the deep water and all was dark. Cold it was as the tide of death: almost it froze my heart.'
'Deep is the abyss that is spanned by Durin's Bridge, and none has measured it,' said Gimli.
'Yet it has a bottom, beyond light and knowledge,' said Gandalf. 'Thither I came at last, to the uttermost foundations of stone. He was with me still. His fire was quenched, but now he was a thing of slime, stronger than a strangling snake.
'We fought far under the living earth, where time is not counted. Ever he clutched me, and ever I hewed him, till at last he fled into dark tunnels. They were not made by Durin's folk, Gimli son of Glóin. Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day. In that despair my enemy was my only hope, and I pursued him, clutching at his heel. Thus he brought me back at last to the secret ways of Khazaddûm: too well he knew them all. Ever up now we went, until we came to the Endless Stair.'
'Long has that been lost,' said Gimli. 'Many have said that it was never made save in legend, but others say that it was destroyed.'

Na batalha de Gandalf com a fera, eles foram submergidos na água. Isso não matou o Balrog, nem o enfraqueceu de verdade. Ele apagou sua chama e reduziu-o a uma criatura lamacenta e serpenteante.

17.03.2012 / 18:47

Is the Balrog dependent on oxygen for survival?

Definitivamente não. Os Balrogs são Maiar, que existiram fora de Arda antes de entrarem no surto dos Arda.

Would water immersion be a method of killing a Balrog?

Não tenho conhecimento de uma resposta canônica, mas considerando o quanto foi difícil matar um deles e quanto dano eles causaram em épocas anteriores, alguém poderia pensar que se um Balrog fosse o equivalente Arda da Wicked Witch of the West Os elfos teriam jogado água neles há muito tempo.

17.03.2012 / 18:20