Satisfeito com a carne You de Stephen L. Burns
Eu procurei por assunto de língua de cotovia de carne: "ficção científica" nos livros do Google e Ciência analógica Ficção Científica / Fato , Volume 108 surgiu:
“You've cultured them as individual tongues! They're not just sliced and shaped out of a tissue block!" ' Sure enough, his plate contained a small soleille of Dijon mustard spiced with tarragon, surrounded by arrowhead-shaped lark's-tongues arranged in a sunburst pattern.
Aqui está um fragmento mostrando discussão de carne humana cultivada:
Del looked wistful. "Good? It was the best neomeat I've ever tasted!" His face hardened. "But it was human flesh!" Timmy only smiled. The expression on Slim's face made him appear almost as simple as Timmy, but it was a sign that he was deep in thought. Janna shrugged, her face mirroring her words. "So what? The initial tissues were given voluntarily — I ought to know. I donated them. Implanting cultured human tissues isn't wrong, is it? Human tissue is already a commodity." "Implanting isn't eating! That's immoral! Sweet Jesus, you're talking about cannibalism!