O que aconteceu com a família de Rip Hunter no final?


Após o último episódio da primeira temporada, fiquei muito confuso.

Sabemos que mudanças na linha do tempo precisam - erm - tempo para se propagar e resolver (para dar ao tempo policiais e heróis a chance de corrigir manipulações). Desta vez, em outros casos, algumas horas a alguns dias.

Agora, o seguinte aconteceu no final:

They managed to finally kill savage once and for all in three different times (!)
So after a few days a timeline should have manifested, where savage was killed at the earliest point in time in 1958. And from then on there is no savage and no reincarnation any more.
Beside what that means for the other two teams who go to different times to kill him, too (and all the episodes that play in a time after that) where our heroes now should arrive finding no Savage this raises the question why Rip Hunters family is not save now?

Ou para ser mais concreto:

If there is no Savage any more conquering the world in 2166, who then kills Hunters family?
Even then, what would the final timeline be? What happens to Hunters family in it? If they are still killed by Savage, where does he came from in this timeline? And what happens to him later? If he is still there in 2166 somehow, why the team thinks that their mission is successfully done?

Então, depois de todas as coisas que eles fizeram para Savage, e depois de todas as linhas do tempo terem se estabelecido, o que finalmente aconteceu com a família de Rip?

por Hothie 14.03.2017 / 10:41

2 respostas

No episódio " Moonshot ", houve esta parte do diálogo

Commander Steel: My wife has spent the past 14 years raising our son by herself. And it is Captain Hunter's fault. The man has a wife and son, and still he asked me to abandon mine.

Sara(I think): He doesn't have a family. I mean, he did. It's just they were killed.

Aqui está o script para este episódio, contendo essa parte. Embora isso não confirme 100%, é seguro assumir que os personagens entendem melhor a viagem no tempo desse universo fictício do que nós.

21.03.2017 / 10:11

Eu acho que matar o Savage cria um futuro onde a mulher e os filhos do Hunter não existem

21.03.2017 / 08:38