O que Ava disse ao outro bot em Ex Machina?


Em uma das cenas mais recentes, Ava sussurra algo para o que eu supus ser um sex-bot para fazer com que ela coopere para matar o mentor. O que ela disse?

por dsp_099 06.08.2015 / 22:45

1 resposta

Alex Garland falou exatamente sobre isso em uma entrevista com David Onda em Xfinity.com . Em suma, as duas máquinas; Ava e Kyoko conversam em linguagem de máquina de uma maneira em que nós, meros humanos, não poderíamos entender . A essência é que eles conspiram para matar Nathan e escapar da vila:

Garland: I can’t tell you the conversation she has with Ava. [laughs] I guess it’s along the lines of, “Let’s kill this guy.” There’s a sort of point embedded in that conversation actually, which is very obscure: When these A.I.s – if they turn up, if we ever get strong A.I.s – they might be like us in some regards, but they also won’t be like us. In fact, they’ll be very, very different. We won’t really be able to understand what it’s like to be them, and they won’t really understand what it’s like to be us. And the empathy that they will feel will probably primarily be with each other. And the empathy that we feel is primarily with ourselves. So it has to do with that. Actually, it’s literally beyond us, what they’re talking about. It’s their world. It’s their language.

09.10.2015 / 00:06
