Quais são todos os usos possíveis para o Expecto Patronum?


Nos livros e filmes de Harry Potter, vimos que o Expecto Patronum é usado principalmente para lidar com Dementadores e Lethifolds. Mas o que (se houver) são outras coisas que o Expecto Patronum pode ser usado?

Somente referências no universo, por favor.

por albusseverus potter 28.04.2015 / 20:16

2 respostas

Além de ser o principal meio de se proteger de Dementadores (e Lethifolds), o charme patrono parece ter pelo menos dois outros usos canônicos, bem como vários teóricos


Em várias ocasiões, vemos o encanto do Patronus sendo usado para

Harry did not know where to begin, but it did not matter. At that moment, something large and silver came falling through the canopy over the dance floor. Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the astonished dancers. Heads turned, as those nearest it froze, absurdly, in mid-dance. Then the Patronus’s mouth opened wide and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

‘The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.’

Como um guia (secreto)

Em HP e as Relíquias da Morte, Snape usa seu Patrono para guiar Harry sem se revelar:

And then the source of the light stepped out from behind an oak. It was a silver-white doe, moon-bright and dazzling, picking her way over the ground, still silent, and leaving no hoof prints in the fine powdering of snow. She stepped towards him, her beautiful head with its wide, long-lashed eyes held high.

Harry stared at the creature, filled with wonder, not at her strangeness, but at her inexplicable familiarity. He felt that he had been waiting for her to come, but that he had forgotten, until this moment, that they had arranged to meet. His impulse to shout for Hermione, which had been so strong a moment ago, had gone. He knew, he would have staked his life on it, that she had come for him, and him alone.
At last, she came to a halt. She turned her beautiful head towards him once more, and he broke into a run, a question burning in him, but as he opened his lips to ask it, she vanished.

E fora do topo da minha cabeça

...felt afraid that his corporeal Patronus gives too much away.

Então, presumivelmente, você poderia usar esse como uma maneira de determinar se alguém é ou não é um lobisomem

  • De acordo com Pottermore, a capacidade de produzir sem esforço um patrono foi historicamente usada como um método para selecionar assistentes para servir ou liderar o mundo dos feiticeiros:

...those able to produce corporeal Patronuses were often elected to high office within the Wizengamot and Ministry of Magic

  • Você também pode usá-lo como luz noturna.

He jumped to his feet, his voice frozen in his throat, and raised Hermione’s wand. He screwed up his eyes as the light became blinding, the trees in front of it pitch black in silhouette, and still the thing came closer.

28.04.2015 / 20:32
Bem, pode ser possível usar um Patrono para lutar contra qualquer poção que Dumbledore tenha bebido no livro 6. Para Harry, os Dementadores trazem suas piores lembranças, e aquela poção que Dumbledore bebeu o fez reviver a morte de Ariana, sua pior memória. então talvez um Patrono ajudaria a aliviar ou apagar os efeitos daquela poção.

"the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You'll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."

29.04.2015 / 16:55