Este personagem do Capitão América: O Soldado Invernal é mais relevante no Universo Marvel?


Desculpas por uma pergunta pesada sobre o spoiler, mas em Capitão América: o soldado de inverno :

The leader of the SHIELD strike team, Brock Rumlow, is shown to be a HYDRA counter-agent.

No final do filme:

He is fighting Falcon, but is taken out more directly by a falling helicarrier.

No final do filme:

We are implicitly shown a scene where he is being put on a stretcher, heavily injured but presumably alive.

Existe alguma razão pela qual eles consideraram a última cena necessária? Este personagem é relevante para o Universo Marvel, ou ele se torna relevante em algum momento?

por joshbirk 13.04.2014 / 17:10

2 respostas


O personagem em questão é:


No entanto:

The events of The Winter Soldier set up a completely different backstory for Brumlow, even if it is still HYDRA related. It's most likely they added the scene in case they want to use Crossbones as a villain down the road - but it's nearly impossible to tell in what capacity (although he does have an obvious connection to Captain America).

13.04.2014 / 17:10

Is there any reason why they deemed the last scene necessary? Is this character relevant to the Marvel Universe, or does he become relevant at some point?

Sim, Rumlow se torna muito relevante em Captain America: Civil War .

Ele retorna strongmente marcado como Crossbones.

He has sworn vengeance on Captain America after their previous encounter. After being captured, Crossbones attempts to kill Cap using a suicide vest. Wanda saves Cap, but in the process, accidentally kills multiple people with the explosion.

Isso dá início ao principal conflito da Guerra Civil , que é se os Vingadores devem ou não ter responsabilidade e supervisão.

09.05.2016 / 01:57