Por que isso é uma piada sobre a carta em Iron Druid?


No epílogo de Scourged (Iron Druid Chronicles), um personagem principal recebe uma carta escrita em tinta vermelha. O entregador da carta indicou que o remetente esperava que o receptor recebesse a piada. Qual foi a piada?

“Jesus wrote me a letter?”

“Yes, I thought it was a bit eccentric, for we haven’t so much as a book of stamps in heaven, never mind a postal service, but he likes to keep us guessing, you know.” She held out the letter to me and I took it.


“And also with you, Mary.” I looked at the envelope, which bore my name on it without an address. “Ha! He wrote it in red ink?”

Mary tittered. “He thought it was funny and said you might appreciate the joke.”

por Paul 08.07.2018 / 13:13

2 respostas

A piada é provavelmente sobre " Bíblias de edição em letras vermelhas "

Red letter edition bibles are those in which the Dominical words—those spoken by Jesus Christ, commonly only those spoken during His corporeal life on Earth—are printed rubricated, in red ink. This is a modern practice derived from the art and Roman Catholic practice in mediaeval scriptoria of rubricating headings, leading letters of sectional text, and words of text in manuscripts for emphasis, similar to italicization. Red letter editions are not to be confused with the Red-Letter Christian movement, which emphasizes the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible, particularly regarding social justice.

Porque a letra é de Jesus, palavras ditas por ele, está em vermelho.

Foi confirmado pelo autor.

(clique para ampliar)

Yep, it was a joke about Bibles where the words of Jesus are in red ink

08.07.2018 / 13:47

Eu perguntei ao meu bom amigo Kevin Hearne essa pergunta (via Twitter) e ele teve a gentileza de confirmar que é uma piada sobre o " edições de cartas vermelhas "das bíblias, onde as palavras de Jesus são marcadas com tinta vermelha

@KevinHearne: Because of the Bible editions where the actual words of Jesus are in red ink and the rest is in black.

Como a letra inteira é escrita por Jesus, a coisa toda está em vermelho.

08.07.2018 / 18:48
