Existem animais que podem usar a Força?


A declaração

"Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells..."

feita por Qui-Gon Jinn em A Ameaça Fantasma implica que qualquer pessoa viva Uma criatura poderia exibir uma alta contagem de midi-chlorian, independentemente de ser ou não capaz de "pensar mais alto". Por exemplo, um tauntaun poderia, em teoria, ter uma contagem alta.

Assumindo que esses animais podem ter contagens altas, eles podem usar a Força? (Talvez até mesmo inconscientemente?) Por exemplo, alguém pode usar a Força para trazer comida inacessível para mais perto dela? Pode usar a Força para atrair presas ou repelir predadores?

Para resumir isso em uma única pergunta:

Existem quaisquer "regras" no universo que impeçam os midi-chlorians de responder aos caprichos de criaturas incapazes de pensamento superior?


Existem animais que podem usar a Força?

por Praxis 15.06.2015 / 03:23

2 respostas


Absolutamente; existem vários exemplos de animais sensíveis à força em materiais Legends.

O Caminho Jedi tem uma seção inteira dedicada a este tópico, intitulado (sem surpresa) "animais empunhando a força". A lista nesse livro inclui:

  • Vornskrs :

    Vornskrs are quadrupedal predators that can sense the Force and can use that sense to hone in on their prey. So because Jedi are strong in the Force, they appear as the biggest and tastiest meal a vornskr has ever encountered. Beware the enemy that utilizes this ability to hunt Jedi.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Ysalamiri :

    Though vornskrs are organic "Jedi detectors," their Force abilities are negligible compared to those of the ysalamiri - arboreal lizards that create bubbles or voids in the Force that hide their energy from predators like vornskrs. Enough ysalamiri clustered together can generate a void large enough to disable an army of Jedi from using the Force.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Taozin :

    Equally dangerous are the taozin, annelids the size of hovertrains found on the moon of Va'art. The nodules on a toazin carapace interfere with a Jedi'a Sense abilities, making the taozin appear invisible in the Force. This also applies to those who carry taozin nodules.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Nighthunters , ou maalraas:

    Also among the dangerous predators that use the Force are nighthunters, which have more in common with taozin than vornskrs. They can manipulate the Force to create a cloak of shadows around themselves.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Beck-tori :

    Beck-tori are aquatic parasites from Nam Priax, but they can be found on many temperate ocean worlds. These creatures use the Force to enhance their senses to locate prey. They have also been known to use the Force to heal their injuries.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Cães Akk :

    Akk dogs are commonly seen as Jedi pets or companions. I first encountered these animals on Ord Canfre's ExplorCorps outpost, but didn't think there was anything unusual about the bond they shared with their trainers. I discovered, however, that akk dogs will form a Force bond with any handler - Jedi or not - through an empathic link heightened by a rudimentary degree of telepathy.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

  • Jakobeasts :

    Jakobeasts are my favourite example of a Force adaptation. These arctic herd animals can use their horns to generate a telekinetic push. Enough of them can create a wave strong enough to flatten forests.

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

    Há uma nota de margem aqui de Thame Cerulian , Mestre Jedi do Conde Dookan, que diz:

    This is the truth! Flipped our speeder too! - Thame

    The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

Além desses exemplos, a Wookieepedia tem vários outros:

  • Pássaros de Jubba , nativos de Dagobah, têm uma música assistida pela Força:

    The Jubba's most distinct feature was its unique hum, a soothing and eerie melodic whistle that calmed all but the most angry creatures and beings, and was a manifestation of the Force.

  • Marsh Haunts , uma espécie predatória comum nos mundos Mid-and-Outer-Rim, usa os poderes da Força para caçar:

    While non-sentient, they worked in loose packs of two to eight creatures to ambush prey, with some of them using their Force powers to scare potential prey toward the rest.

  • Muttamoks , introduzido no RPG Star Wars , parece usar a Força para se comunicar até certo ponto:

    They were attracted to bright, shiny objects. A muttamok often went on the prowl for such objects, commonly resulting in thievery if needed. When captured by the item in question's owner, they could use an innate Force ability in a plea for sympathy.

  • Bugs Pelko , nativos de Korriban, também usam a Força para caçar, embora ao contrário dos Marsh Haunts eles usam isso determinar que presa vale a pena atacar:

    They lived only beneath sands of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, and were attracted to Force-sensitives. They would stalk and swarm their prey in the darkness. The bug's attunement to the Force allowed them to determine if a creature was suitable prey, as Darth Bane found when exploring the Valley, in which they found he was too powerful and did not attack.

  • Voxyn , um híbrido geneticamente modificado do vornskr, também caça através da Força, e tem algumas habilidades da Força como um resultado:

    As they were made to kill Jedi, the voxyn could sense Force-sensitives through the Force and had a variety of deadly abilities and tools at their disposal: sonic blasts, flesh–melting acid, disease–coated claws, and a poisonous barbed tail.

  • Como Omegacron me lembra nos comentários, Hssiss tem a capacidade de se tornar invisível, muito provavelmente usando uma habilidade Force:

    Hssiss also had the ability to conceal themselves and become invisible, possibly doing so through the Force.

  • Embora não esteja claro que o Terentatek possa usar qualquer poder da Força, ele parece sensível ao Lado Negro; Dizem que eles hibernam quando o lado escuro é fraco na galáxia e saem em força quando ressurgem:

    It was theorized that they were once rancors, subjected to mutations by the Sith, and that when the dark side was weak in the galaxy, terentatek would hibernate and remain dormant for many years, only to return when the dark side was strong again.


Nada confirmado. Das criaturas que mencionei acima, apenas duas, a ave Jubba e a Terentatek, foram introduzidas no novo cânon. Infelizmente não estou confiante de que a sensibilidade da Força tenha feito a viagem.

No romance canônico Dark Disciple , Quinlan Vos encontra o misterioso Sleeper de Dathomir e especula que ele usa a Força para aumentar sua visão:

[I]t was the kaleidoscope of colors that made the Sleeper so visibly remarkable. Every hue Vos could dream — or have nightmares of — adorned it. He had known other species to have eyes similar to the Sleeper's, which could see five or ten more colors than he could. But the Sleeper's eyes were even more complex, and Vos briefly wondered if this creature was so difficult to subdue because it might be able to actually see the Force.

Dark Disciple Chapter 17

No entanto, este é apenas um palpite de Vos ', e nunca é confirmado; o Dorminhoco é morto logo depois disso, e não aparece em nenhum outro trabalho de cânone.

15.06.2015 / 03:53

De acordo com uma história muito interessante ... curta história em quadrinhos, mesmo não-orgânicos podem ter habilidades de Força, como Skippy , o Droid Jedi .

15.06.2015 / 17:23