No romance Legends Guerra nas Estrelas: Exílio - Legado da Força por Aaron Allston, há referências a acidentes com sabres de luz:
"How is Zekk?" Kyp asked.
Mara looked unconcerned. "He'll make a full recovery. The surgeons on Hapes were very proficient. But he'll be out of action for a while." Her expression became concerned. "How many people know how it happened?"
"Just me for the moment...I was assigned the investigation on this one." All lightsaber accidents that caused harm to a living being had to be looked into, and any Master on duty at the Temple might be randomly assigned the duty of investigation.
Mais tarde no trecho:
"I'm just a little touchy I suppose. My son has a lightsaber accident. Suddenly I feel the eyes of all the Jedi in the galaxy on me.