Minha resposta diz respeito apenas à era moderna. Ainda não examinei suas origens no Novo 52:
Dia do juízo final é uma criatura kryptoniana criada por bioengenharia. Isso é puxado do wiki do super-homem ... Eu já li os quadrinhos referenciados antes (Superman / Doomsday Hunter / Prey e The Death of Superman) e posso confirmar que a informação está correta: Você pode encontrar a biografia de Doomsday aqui
Thousands of years into Krypton's obscure past, long before the humanoid Kryptonian race managed to gain dominance over the planet, Doomsday was originally an infant humanoid, probably a Kryptonian; he was known at this point simply as baby. An alien scientist known as Bertron saw the environment of his home world. During this time, Krypton was a violent and harsh world equivalent of hell, where only the absolute strongest lifeforms could afford to survive. Because of this, Bertron was influenced to create the perfect creature that could be suitable for the Kryptonian environment and decided to perform experiments on a baby. Due to the cruel nature of the experiments, the baby evolved into a killing monster, with a hatred of all life. (Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey)
Doomsday was able to escape from Krypton on a random supply ship, which came regularly to bring supplies to Bertron and his team. From there, he began to rampage across the universe. (Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey)
The final planet Doomsday invaded during this era was a highly advanced planet known as Catalan. All of their advanced technology was unable to stop him, until they created a superbeing made of pure energy, who they called The Radiant. This being was able to kill the seemingly unstoppable monster, and they wrapped him up in funerary clothes and tied him up as best they could, launching him into space. (Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey)
Drifting through endless space, the coffin came to land on Earth, where it remained buried for years, dormant. He spent thousands of years buried, wiggling his way out little by little until finally escaping and restarting his rampage (The Death of Superman)
Adicionar em:
Hunter / Prey é onde você terá quase todo o passado de Doomsday. Eles também fizeram um Doomsday: Year One que se baseia nele um pouco mais, mas eu não li ainda