Várias empresas de remessa fornecem opções para envio a uma filial para coleta com ID. Você pode verificar qual deles tem um local de filial mais conveniente para você. A DHL tem uma presença mais strong na Europa.
DHL "Espera pela coleta" :
At times, it can be easier to have your customer collect shipments from a DHL managed Service Point, rather than attempt a delivery to an uncertain address. Simply request the option at the time of booking and our Customer Service staff at destination will notify the Receiver when the shipment is ready to collect. Shipments are held for up to 7 calendar days free of charge.
UPS "Espera para retirada" :
At no additional charge, UPS can hold your package up to five days... UPS will deliver your package to the UPS Customer Center you choose and then call the recipient when the package is ready. Packages are usually available by 8:30 a.m. on the scheduled day of delivery.
FedEx "Manter no local" :
Most FedEx locations will hold a package. The Find FedEx Locations tool at fedex.com can help you locate one in seconds.