História sobre um homem considerando deixar um detentor de android enquanto se esgueirava em sua esposa [duplicata]


Uma pequena história sobre um cara pensando em deixar sua esposa, substituindo um andróide realista de si mesmo para cobrir sua ausência. Mas quando ele finalmente decide que ele não deve seguir, ele deita a cama com sua esposa e quando ele descansa a cabeça no peito dela, percebe pelo som que ela já fez a troca sozinha, e ela está em algum lugar traindo ele e deixou um andróide para ele se aconchegar.

Esta seria uma história mais antiga, acho que li pela primeira vez em cerca de 1974 ou mais. O mais provável é que fosse um conhecido autor de ficção científica, se eu estivesse lendo no ensino médio. A razão pela qual estou procurando é que adoraria encontrar a assombrosa versão em áudio da história, lida por Burgess Meredith.

por Zarrin Vuckovic 17.05.2017 / 19:29

1 resposta

Me deparei com Marionettes, Inc , uma história da coleção de contos de Ray Bradbury chamada O Homem Ilustrado .


The characters are Braling and Smith and their wives. Braling's wife was quite mean to him and forced him to marry her, while Smith's wife acted as if they were still honeymooning.

Smith learns about "marionettes", exact robotic duplicates produced by Marionettes, Inc. The manufacturer, whose motto is in the markets of the marionettes as temporary replacements for the customer. Braling reveals to Smith that he has been using a marionette to fulfill his obligations as a husband while he pursues his personal interests. His wife is completely unaware of the duplication, and he plans to visit Rio de Janeiro while his marionette is replacing him at home. Braling shows off his marionette to Smith. Smith, fascinated by this solution, decides to buy his own marionette to escape his domestic prison.

Conflict is introduced when Braling's duplicate expresses emotions towards Braling's wife, and resists Braling's attempts to remove the marionette from his home life. Smith then finds out that he himself has been tricked by his wife's own marionette, and that she took $10,000 of the $15,000 they had in their joint bank account.

Braling tries to call Marionettes, Inc. for support, but is physically restrained by the duplicate. The marionette reveals his plans of traveling to Rio with Braling's wife and locking his master in a box, and then says goodbye to his owner.

The story ends in the bedroom with "Braling" kissing Mrs. Braling, but Bradbury skillfully uses pronouns to make it unclear whether "Braling" is really Braling or his marionette duplicate. The reader's interpretation could indicate either that the duplicate has disposed of his former master, or that Braling has won out and subsequently found new appreciation for his wife.

Burgess Meredith gravou Marionettes, Inc no lado B de um disco intitulado: Burgess Meredith Lê Ray Bradbury

17.05.2017 / 19:45