Sião é realmente a última cidade humana?


No primeiro filme, Tank e Neo conversam:

Tank: Me and my brother Dozer, we're both 100% pure, old-fashioned, home-grown human, born free right here, in the real world, genuine child (sic) of Zion.

Neo: Zion?

Tank: If the war was over tomorrow, Zion's where the party would be.

Neo: It's a city.

Tank: The last human city. The only place we have left.

Como eles poderiam saber? Se eles têm uma tecnologia que de alguma forma escaneia toda a Terra procurando por cidades humanas, e diz a eles que não existem outros, então por que as máquinas não usam a mesma tecnologia para procurar por Zion? Se Sião tem alguma maneira de se proteger dessa busca, então outras cidades humanas também poderiam se proteger, não apenas das buscas dos Sentinelas, mas também das buscas de Sião. Então, há alguma evidência verdadeira de que Sião é a cidade humana última ?

por UltimateMollusk 21.06.2015 / 16:12

1 resposta

no universo

Recebemos confirmação absoluta do Arquiteto (em seu famoso discurso ) que fora de Sião, não há vida humanos:

The Architect: The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the matrix 23 individuals, 16 female, 7 male, to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.

Curiosamente, sabemos de pelo menos dois casos em que os seres humanos livres vivem fora de Sião (do webcomic " O conto de Miller " e o curta do Animatrix " Matriculated ") para que o Arquiteto possa estar exagerando quando ele disser que a humanidade será perdida se Neo recusar sua tarefa.

Fora do universo

Existem várias fontes que confirmam que Zion é a última cidade humana, especialmente da resumo de caixa original no 'Conjunto de caixas de DVD The Ultimate Matrix Collection':

In the powerful second chapter of the Matrix trilogy, Neo (Keanu Reeves), Trinity (Moss) and Morpheus (Fishburne) lead the revolt against the Machine Army as it attacks Zion, the last human city on Earth, unleashing their arsenal of extraordinary skills and weaponry against the systematic forces of repression and exploitation. In their quest to save the human race from extinction, they gain greater insight into the construct of The Matrix and Neo’s pivotal role in the fate of mankind. What is The Matrix? The question is not yet fully answered. And it leads to another: Who created The Matrix? The answers lead to more worlds of bold possibility – and to a destiny that passes from revelations to Revolutions.

Desta entrevista em 'Não é legal notícias' " Minha vida como Matrix 2 Extra "; / p>

As I pulled into the designated parking lot, saw the sign that read "Zion Extras Parking". Zion, as you recall, is the last human city outside the computer-controlled Matrix reality. Would've taken a picture of the sign, but there were parking attendants, and I had been given instructions forbidding cameras. Decided I'd just take a picture at the end of the day when I leave.

e esta entrevista com Gina Torres da

Torres added that her character doesn’t dwell in the Matrix itself. “I guess that much I can tell you: I’m in Zion,” the last human city, she said. “I’m Real World.”

e esta entrevista com Joel Silver da

What Silver will confirm is that the expanded storyline was fully in place before The Matrix became a $460-million global phenomenon. "Actually the first script ended further than the movie - you actually went to Zion (the last remaining human city), which we really felt we just couldn't do. We had too much story, so we just backed up a little bit. But we knew that the story continued."

21.06.2015 / 16:49
