O nome do universo é o " Tsungi Horn " (também conhecido como chifre Tsunghi e Chifre Sungi) , dependendo de quem estava sendo entrevistado)
Zuko: For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn!
Iroh: No, it's about our plans. There's a bit of a problem.
Na realidade, os criadores do programa usaram uma mistura de música duduk armênia e um trombone ocidental para fazer os sons desta instrumento fictício.
JZ: Uncle Iroh's sunghi horn piece turned out to be pretty effective. That was another interesting challenge since the sunghi horn is a fictitious instrument. We had to invent a new instrument without letting it sound modern and computerized. Ironically, we wound up using a music synthesis technique called convolution to impose characteristics of a trombone onto the duduk. I think the result sounds very much like an acoustic instrument which is part reed and part brass.