Série Shifter com um grande cat shifter e filha de um cientista [fechada]

Eu estou procurando por uma série shifter onde o protagonista masculino é um shifter leopardo ou tigre e ela é a filha de um cientista, ou alguém de uma organização que odeia shifters, e fica em algum complexo guardado. O metamorfo a empata, e uma vez que ela corre ou decide encontrar seu amigo e ele vem na frente dela, ela desmaia. Mais tarde, ele a leva para o seu lugar em uma copa de árvore.

Eu li muito tempo atrás, talvez 2 anos (2016ish). Alguém sabe que livro é esse?

por Syeda 02.07.2018 / 21:38

1 resposta

Não tenho certeza disso ... mas talvez você esteja se referindo a um dos Psy- Changeling livros de Nalani Singh.

The Psy-Changeling world is made up of three races:

The Psy have phenomenal mental abilities, from telepathy to telekinesis, psychometry to foresight. However, these gifts come with a price—they drive the Psy to insanity and murderous violence. As a result, at the beginning of the series, they have lived for over a hundred years under a protocol called Silence, which conditions them to eliminate their emotions. The Psy are cold, detached, and do not have relationships based in emotion. The most powerful among them are called cardinals. Cardinals are identified by distinctive eyes colored like the night sky – white stars on black.

The changelings have two forms—human and animal—and they are at home in both of those forms. Some changelings are dominant, others more submissive. Major changeling groups in the series include: leopards, wolves, bears, water-based changelings, and falcons. They are as emotional as the Psy are cold. Passionately devoted to their mates and blood-loyal to their packs and clans, changelings are physically powerful and as dangerously intelligent. An alpha changeling can go toe-to-toe with a cardinal Psy and not blink.

The humans are like you and me. However, they’re caught in the midst of the power struggle between the Psy and the changelings. At the beginning of the series, the humans are considered the weakest of the three races, but as the series continues, we discover they have a critical role to play. The Human Alliance is the group that represents human interests in the Psy-Changeling world.

A série é configurada como uma série de romances entre Psy e changeling, referidos nos livros como um shifter com bastante frequência).

Se eu me lembro do primeiro romance foi um romance entre um Psy e um shifter leopardo. Ele tem uma casa nas copas das árvores.

03.07.2018 / 10:04