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A citação é de Elliot S! Maggin :
Elliot S! Maggin (born 1950), is an American writer of comic books, film, television and novels. He was a main writer for DC Comics during the Bronze and early Modern ages of comics in the 1970s and 1980s. He is particularly associated with the character of Superman.
A citação foi:
Lembro-me de ler uma citação direta de um dos principais escritores da DC que escreveu Superman que ele via o Super-Homem como sendo judeu, porque toda a religião kryptoniana era muito próxima do judaísmo.While they are not direct descendents of the Judeans of the Middle East from whom the term "Jewish" comes, I always ascribed effectively Jewish doctrine and ritual to the Kryptonian tradition. In fact, the Kryptonian tradition is congruent with and certainly predates the Judean, so they have at least as much claim to the tradition as any of us.
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