No filme Man Of Steel, onde poderiam os kryptonianos desaparecer depois de serem sugados pelo buraco negro?

No filme Man Of Steel, a maneira como o Super-homem se livra dos kryptonianos, além do General Zod, foi fazendo com que eles fossem sugados por um buraco negro. Agora sabemos que após a destruição de Krypton, a zona fantasma se desfez liberando todos os criminosos kryptonianos condenados. Mas isso não significa que a própria zona foi destruída. Então, quando os criptonianos são sugados para dentro daquele buraco negro, eles serão novamente puxados para a zona? Sentindo-se um pouco bobo ao fazer esta pergunta, mas a resposta pode valer a pena.

por The Dark Knight 27.04.2015 / 16:00

2 respostas

Os vilões da Zona Fantasma no Homem de Aço não foram "sugados para um buraco negro", embora parecessem que sim. Em vez disso, eles foram enviados de volta para a Zona Fantasma através da ativação de um Phantom Zone Drive usado por Jor-El para enviar Kal-El para a Terra. A Zona Fantasma também era a prisão que os Kryptonianos foram condenados antes da destruição de Krypton.


Neste clipe você vê a unidade da Zona Fantasma ativada pelo cristal e dirigida para casa pelo Professor Hamilton (que também está perdido para a Zona Fantasma junto com os Kryptonianos.) Quando seu avião colide com o navio Kryptoniano, o Phantom Drive é ativada e cria um evento temporário semelhante à singularidade que comprime os kryptonianos na Zona Fantasma.

De Wikipedia - Zona Fantasma - Filme :

Later in the film, it is revealed that the vessels Zod and his army are using possess a "Phantom Drive", a collision from a smaller ship (piloted by Col Hardy of the U.S. Military with Kal-El's rocket and operated by Emil Hamilton and Lois Lane) with a similar drive causes a cataclysmic reaction that creates a small singularity, returning the ship and its occupants to the Phantom Zone, along with the Military plane, Hardy, and Hamilton. The mere fact that a couple of Kryptonian ships are needed to create a window into this zone shows that it's not a naturally occurring prison. As previously stated we can assume that it's most likely much like the Phantom Zones in other media.

27.04.2015 / 19:50

A romancização oficial do filme é compatível com @Thaddeus ' interpretação de eventos . Os kryptonianos foram sugados de volta para a Zona Fantasma através de uma singularidade. A transição, combinada com os efeitos destrutivos do buraco negro, foram suficientes para matar os kryptonianos (e quaisquer prisioneiros humanos) antes que seus restos mortais fossem depositados na Zona Fantasma.

Only Jax-Ur truly understood what was undoing them.

Of course, he reasoned. Kal-El’s original starcraft. They’re using it as a weapon against us. He smiled thinly. How ingenious.

The Black Zero had been designed to make the transition to the Zone in one piece, but only under strictly controlled conditions. The ship was meant to pass through the Projector, not have a Phantom Drive rip open the continuum right in the middle of the ship. Violent dimensional fluxes were already taking it apart before his fading eyes.

Solid bulkheads and supports sublimed away, causing the ship’s myriad chambers and corridors to cave in on themselves. Matter phased into energy, sliding between dimensions. The entire ship was collapsing into a singularity, or so he theorized.

His calculations did not spare him — or any of the others.

Pouco depois ...

The singularity was approaching critical mass, pulsating above the city like a voracious black sun. The Kryptonian prison ship had been crushed into subatomic particles, leaving behind a sucking wound in the fabric of reality.

A deafening roar, like an extra-dimensional tornado, bellowed from the depths of the aperture. Blinding flashes of phantasmal light offered glimpses of a weird, purgatorial realm that was never meant to intersect with ordinary space. It made Lois queasy just looking at it.

Superman flew away from the vortex, pulling against the relentless forces that were trying to suck him back into the Phantom Zone with the other Kryptonians. Spectral colors glowed beneath his skin. His face rippled and distorted alarmingly; Lois could tell he was fighting with all his might to get them both clear of the singularity’s event horizon, before he was lost forever.

27.04.2015 / 20:42