Era uma verdadeira tarântula e Bob Simmons era usado como uma dupla pele para o close-up da aranha andando no braço de Bond.
De Rejeitos da Escola de Cinema
Production designer Ken Adam had only ?475 left in his budget to build the set in which Professor Dent is told to put a spider in Bond’s room. He went for sytlized minimalism with a grid at the top of the room that would make him look like he was trapped in a spider’s web.
A real tarantula was used in the film. Bob Simmons was used as a skin double for the close-up of the spider walking on Bond’s arm. The shot of the spider crawling towards Connery’s face was achieved by putting the spider on glass over him. However, to keep the spider from sliding off the glass, the bed had to be angled and Connery strapped down so he didn’t fall off.
(ênfase adicionada)