Isso poderia ser Eternity's End por Dan Bivens?
A raça humana desapareceu da Terra em navios de guerra do espaço-tempo, e os vampiros vivem na Terra há milênios. O Sol começou a se expandir trazendo consigo aniquilação total. Parece haver cem seres humanos e apenas oito vampiros sobreviventes.
Encontrado aqui, no Google Livros:
That was what their kind, I now just knew, had been called for the many ages of Man. And those vampires, I continued to just know, had co-existed with our kind since the Stone Age, and were still in existence at the approaching End of Time for Earth's solar system. An End from which the Human race, as a whole, had escaped vie Space-Time warping starships.
And I also somehow just knew, without asking my mate, the original Daliamu Zabawaheshja, that these eight surviving vampires, because they had been reborn, countless millennia ago, as Undead creatures of the night, were, therefore, unable to follow Man into the distant darkness of interstellar space.
...A sun that, in its final death throes, had begun swelling to a point where, eventually, nothing and no one would or could ever escape certain obliteration. Not we force-bred hundred. Not these eight eternal vampires.