Versões do Gunslinger [duplicado]


Atualmente, possuo duas versões diferentes do The Gunslinger de Stephen King.

Um deles é encontrado aqui e aqui está um parágrafo (encontrado na página 6).

Perhaps the campfires were a message, spelled out one Great Letter at a time. Keep your distance, partner, it might say. Or, The end draweth nigh. Or maybe even, Come and get me. It didn’t matter what they said or didn’t say. He had no interest in messages, if messages they were. What mattered was that these remains were as cold as all the others. Yet he had gained. He knew he was closer, but did not know how he knew. A kind of smell, perhaps. That didn’t matter, either. He would keep going until something changed, and if nothing changed, he would keep going, anyway. There would be water if God willed it, the old-timers said. Water if God willed it, even in the desert. The gunslinger stood up, brushing his hands.

A outra versão, não sei de onde vem. Aqui está o mesmo parágrafo.

Perhaps the campfires are a message, spelled out letter by letter. Take a powder. Or, the end draweth nigh. Or maybe even, Eat at Joe’s. It didn’t matter. He had no understanding of the ideograms, if they were ideograms. And the remains were as cold as all the others. He knew he was closer, but did not know how he knew. That didn’t matter either. He stood up, brushing his hands.

Essas diferenças parecem grandes demais para ser uma edição simples e diferente do livro. Qual é a segunda versão, e como ela se relaciona com o oficial atual O Pistoleiro , ligado acima?

Edit: pesquisando esse parágrafo exato, eu encontrei a mesma versão em alguns sites de e-books de pirataria. É talvez uma versão comumente pirateada do Gunslinger?

por BlueMoon93 24.05.2017 / 00:54

1 resposta

O Gunslinger começou como um romance essencialmente independente, tendo lugar no que parece ser uma Terra pós-apocalíptica. Uma vez que King tenha desenvolvido o multiverso de The Dark Tower , ele voltou e reescreveu significativamente partes do primeiro livro.

24.05.2017 / 01:13